Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, only to see that everyone else was already awake. I just shruged it off and hopped into the shower. As I'm in the shower I suddenly realize something.

Aunt Karen was coming today.

But I had work.

I was really looking forward to meeting her at the Airport!

I sighed and hopped out of the shower and got dressed in my uniform and put my make up on.

I walked downstairs and was greeted by the boys and Bionca. 

 "Hey" They all said in sync

"Hey guys, I've got work today so I wont be here when Aunt Karen comes." I said, a bit upset.

"Awe! You won't?! She'll be so upset!" Jessica said walking in to the room.

"Yeah. Maybe after you guys pick her up from the Airport, everyone can come down to Starbucks and we'll catch up there?" I asked.

Everyone agreed and nodded. I went to the toaster and put some toast in. When it got done, I put some Nutella on it and ate it. Soon I was done breakfast and was out the door.

I picked up Ari from her house for Starbucks but she had called in sick. 
A/N: ok so yeah I know that it's like suppeerr super short but whatever I'm going to use this time to say that I am so freaking sorry that I have done absolutely nothing. I play volleyball and basketball for my school and softball for my town. so literally all year I've been busy. again I am sssoooo sorry I was actually thinking about just stopping the book cause I felt like it was going absolutely no where but I realized summer is super close so thought maybe I could start up the book again. therefore, I am. again I'm so sorry I haven't done anything or updated. ily guiseee <3 and I noticed I still have to give you your surprise. I'm not good with surprises but whatever lol. but I promise I'll try to get it up soon. if you've waited a long time for an update cause you actually read my book, thank you so so so much Ilysm. mkay I think that about covers it. thank you for reading this message if you did. sorry again. Kay byee

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