meet and greet

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You go to a Justin Bieber M&G and your the last in line. The line is moving pretty fast. It's finally your turn. "Hi baby girl. What's your name." "Y/N." "Y/N, I like it." "Thanks." "So you ready to take a picture?"

"Sure!" Y'all both took the picture and he put his arm around your waist and you blushed. He had a big smile on face. Your time was up and you were about to leave.

"Wait Up!" You turned around and Justin was calling you. "Can we take one more pic?" You blushed. "Sure." Y'all took another, but this time he stood behind you and kissed your cheek. You had a big smile on your face and you were blushing. The camera snaps. And he let's go. "Hey. Y/N can if have your number? I really want to get to know you. If that's ok with you." He asked nervously. It was so cute. "Sure. I don't mind at all." You gave him your phone and he gave you his.

Y'all exchanged numbers. You gave him back his phone and he gave you yours. "I'll text you tonight?" he asked. "Yeah." "Bye Y/N." "Bye Justin."

When you got home you were so happy.
Then you got a text.


Justin: Hey baby girl, u wanna go out 2morrow?

You: I would love 2.

Justin: Awesome. How bout at 2?

You: Sounds great.

Justin: Can't Wait to see ya. Goodnight baby girl. 😘

You: Goodnight Justin. 😘😘


You can't believe it you have a date with Justin Bieber. You feel like the happiest girl in the world. You can't wait til tomorrow.

Hope u guys enjoyed. This just came to my head. So I gave it to you guys. Thx for all the reads!! ♥️ It will be nice to have some votes. Thx again!! See ya. ♥️

justin bieber imagines (interracial) | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now