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so hey guys ik i haven't been updating as much it's just that i have lost inspiration to write so i might take a little break.. this imagine is not complete, just to let you guys know

being at home by yourself all the time gets really depressing. besides the fact that your superstar boyfriend, justin bieber is across the world on tour. now don't get me wrong, i'm that he's having and getting to do what he loves. and also getting to see his beliebers.

i'm really proud of him. it's just that it gets really lonely and sometimes i just get so fed up with it. the management didn't want me on tour because, in their words, "i'd be a distraction"yeah whatever. they never liked me from the start. they wanted justin and hailey together.

me and hailey are really great friends, and she has said herself that her and just were nothing too serious. justin has even promised me that he doesn't want hailey, and he only wants me.

i believed at first but now i'm starting questioned it. they let her go on tour with him, but not me. what does she have that i don't?

maybe it's best if i call it quits? right? he'll be able to focus more on his career and i will be out his hair. that'll be better for him anyway.

so.. that's what i did i called him up and did just that.

justin bieber imagines (interracial) | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now