Chapter 20

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Playlist: Dabebi by Mr eazi.

For days, I have been contemplating if I should tell Nonso he was just a dare. But if I do, he's not going to be happy. What am I saying self? Which normal human being will be happy when they find out the person they have feelings for played them. It won't only hurt them but it'll break them. Trust is not something you get so easily nowadays but when you get it, treasure it.

It was already Monday and we were about to have our first class for the day. I left my seat to go and meet Uju and Bukky.

"So you want to call it off abi? I knew you will fall for him at the end. No problem sha." Uju said after I had told her I was feeling really guilty for still allowing the dare to be on.

"I want to tell him but I don't know how he will react. You know his dad isn't feeling too well then I'll now give him this kind of news. It's going to be over really. I know I'm sounding selfish but I don't think I can handle him finding out." I ranted while they both listened with nearly guilty looks on their faces. They both understood where I was coming from.

"No don't tell him yet. Keep it first. Enjoy your relationship for now. But tell him before the term is over. It'll be better if you do it after the dance." Bukky answered, nearly whispering. As they say, the walls have ears. Before a little bird will go and spill everything to Nonso.

I didn't know I could fall this hard for someone I barely know up to three months. He has become part of my life. Well, we basically live under the same roof so what do you expect?

"Yeah that's what I'll do. At least he's becoming stable now since his father is responding to treatment." I said, half smiling.

The bell suddenly rang for the beginning of the first period for the day, I quickly got up and went to my chair to sit down and prepare for the class.

After the first class, we were supposed to have our English class. Our English teacher came in almost immediately the bell rang like she was eager to teach us. Well, maybe she was but I am honestly not eager to learn.

"Good morning class." Miss Elizabeth, our English teacher said as soon as she entered the class. She was one of the youngest teachers CHS had. She's probably in her late 20s. She had a petite frame with a very curvy body. She was light skinned and had a small button nose. She was a pretty woman overall but can be very rude and mean.

"Good morning ma'am." We all responded uniformly.

"Okay so today we are not going to be copying notes." She said and everyone sighed in relief. We were all grateful. The previous week had been hectic for us. Either the notes are much or the assignments are plenty. They were all rushing because of the many activities that are supposed to take place this term plus the fact that we didn't take our termly midterm exams.

"We are going to do a pop quiz. It'll be you guys continuous assessment." We all groaned. Just when we thought we were lucky, she crashed our hopes. It is better we just write note biko.

"Complain and murmur all you want. The pop quiz is not by force oh. If you don't take it, I'll simply put a nice and beautiful zero for you in your column. You all know I don't like stressing myself." This time everyone kept quiet. She took it as our reply and started calling names alphabetically. Before the end of her period, she was done with the quiz.

I am not an English person, so I don't even know how I did.

It was time for lunch break and I was extremely hungry. I walked to the cafeteria with my friends as usual. Spaghetti and meatballs was served today. The meatballs are usually so nice. We took our plates and went to our usual table.

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