Chapter 14

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Playlist: tonight by Nonso Amadi.
I know this is the second Nigerian music I'm uploading. I hope you guys like it too.

I opened my eyes. Something felt weird about today. Something was strange. My alarm! My alarm didn't ring out. I turned and saw it was 7:28. Almost 7:30! And nobody came to wake me up for school? I quickly threw my duvet aside and stood up to rush to the bathroom then it hit me. Today was the beginning of the midterm. That was why my alarm didn't ring. I ran back to my bed to lay down. I decided to sleep a little longer.

"Wakey wakey." A familiar voice said while shaking me. I groaned and opened one of my eyes to see Nonso staring at me while smiling. I turned to check the clock by my bedside. The time read 11:16. Wow so I slept this long.

Guy holidays are good oh. No stress or bitchy teachers. Just wake up, sleep, eat, watch TV, press your phone. Enjoy life. I wish everyday can-

"Lulu!" I turned to see Nonso looking at me with a confused expression. "You just spaced out. I was asking what you'll like to do today." My mouth made an 'o' shape.

"I don't know but maybe we can go to the movies to see a movie or something. I want to leave this house." I said hugging him. He was really soft like a teddy bear. I could hear his heart beating.

"Right! That'll be nice too. Oya go and have your bath." He said trying to free himself from my hold. I hugged him tightly

He chuckled." Okay wait lemme make myself comfortable." He said lying down on my bed after I released him. We cuddled for what seemed like hours; gisting and laughing about random things including things that happened in school.

"So when is the sleepover?"

"I don't know yet but probably on Wednesday sha. I can't wait at all."

"I'm sure you're very excited." He said chuckling.

"Why won't I be? I really can't wait. Okay leave my room let me go and have my bath." I stood up, taking a pouting Nonso and dragging him out of my room.

After my hygiene, I got to my room, rubbed my coconut oil on my body, rubbed a little shea butter on my hair, combed it and packed it into a bun. I walked towards my closet and picked out a high waist Jean, a sports bra and a jean jacket. I went to my shoe rack to take a black converse. I quickly took my phone and left the room.

I walked to the dining room to be greeted by the scent of jollof rice; my favorite and Amara eating. I sat down, I dished my food and eyed my sister.

"This one you dressed up like this, where are you going to?" She raised her head and looked at me.

"I'm going to the movies with Nonso. Then we'll probably go to coldstone after that." I answered her.

"Awwn! Relationship goals." She cooed while blinking her eyes.

I chuckled. "You're even blushing sef. See love oh."

"Abeg jor. What will you do today?"

"Freya and Kamsi are coming over for girls night." She basically squealed.

Yeah I'm not the only one that does this sleepovers. She has her own clique. Freya is the assistant head girl while Kamsi is the hostel prefect. They've been tight since primary school. They basically do everything together.

Before I could answer, Nonso came into the dining room and pecked me on my cheek.

"Won't you eat?" I asked him.

"I've eaten. I ate before I came to wake you up."

I gasped. Holding my chest and feigning hurt. "You just hurt my feelings."

Amara eyed me saying," stop being a drama queen jor."

Nonso laughed while tickling me. "Stop now. You know I'm ticklish." I said, laughing. I looked up to see Amara videoing us grinning.

"Amara I'll kill you if I catch you." She laughed, stood up and took her plates to the kitchen.

Nonso kept on talking about things. Immediately I was done with my food, I cleared my plate and we took one of my dad's cars and started our journey.

The car ride was fun; we kept singing along to the songs on Nonso's phone, we did Snapchat videos, talked, danced, sang.

We got to filmhouse and decided to watch upnorth. It was a pretty nice movie. I just loved Adesua's look. After the movie, we decided to go to coldstone. As we were entering coldstone, someone bumped into me and I couldn't believe who I saw.

Hey guys,
I know this chapter is awfully short but please bear with me. I'm sure this is the worst chapter I've written.

Network has been so bad. I saw network today and decided it won't pass me by. I know this chapter is short. I'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter.

So who do you guys think Oluchi saw?
You can always ask me questions about this book and I'll answer them.

Thanks guys. Please don't forget to vote and share. I love you all.

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