Chapter 3

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"Hey beautiful, missed me? You've gotten a little bit heavy on your backside."

Yeah I hate today.

I breathed in and then out and turned with a frown on my face to look at the one person I despised so much on this earth, Jeremy Akande. My stupid ex.

Let me tell you a little about him, he's this chocolatey brown guy with pink lips and light brown eyes that I once fell for. He's about 6ft tall, he has terribly broad shoulders. And about us, we broke up last session. He was cheating on me with my former best friend, Zainab. I was so hurt, I didn't even care for an explanation because you know what they say, action speaks louder than words.

"What is it Jeremy?" Suddenly picking great interest in my skirt.

"You chill nah. How are you?" I could hear the smirk in his tone.

"I'm fine. Is that all you wanted to say? Bye then." I turned to go and I felt a hand holding me back. Yeah, it was jeremy.

"What nah?" I glared at him.

"Easy nah. Can you please just list-"

"There's no need for that twerp. You always have what to say. Abeg my sister is waiting for me, and she doesn't like it one bit."  With that, I turned and left him there stunned. After our break up, I never got to talk to him. Well we had nothing to talk about.

"What was Jeremy telling you?" My sister asked looking at me as I got into the car. She can be pretty annoying sometimes but we are pretty close. I tell her things because she's my best friend so why not?

"The fool was just asking me stupid questions." I sighed.

"Hope you're not upset sha because his name kind of upsets you."She knows me too well.

"Nah, I was sha. Can you imagine what Uju and Bukky want me to do?" She quickly adjusted her position and she looked at me while giving me a bar of sneakers. They were my favorite.


"There's this new boy in my class, they dared me to play him. I know it's wrong but I want some fun you know?" I said licking my hands in the process. Pretty gross, yeah.

"Hmm that's not nice but sha be careful. For how long?"

"A term."  This time I was looking at her as she does this thing she does with her lips when she's thinking. "Do you think I should go through with it or not?"

"Shebi if I tell you no, you'll say I hate fun. Do it sha but be careful biko."

I pulled my shoes, removed my tie and uniform and dropped them in the laundry basket. I dashed into the bathroom, had my bath and I wore shorts and a bra top. I don't like any type of stress all.

Today had been stressful. I had assignments but guy I just want to sleep first.

I woke up at 8:24pm, I went to my bathroom washed my face and went downstairs to the kitchen. I just remembered I had not eaten anything since I came back from school.

I found my sister reading in the study. Yeah, typical Amara.

I got to the kitchen and saw Egusi soup and pounded yam. Oh my baby. I immediately dishes mine and sat down to eat.

My alarm suddenly rang, I located it with my hand and turned it off. I squinted and looked at the time, it was 6:50. I just had to wake up early today after yesterday's outburst from my mum. I don't have strength for wahala jor.

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