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"Hey... I made it" I say on the phone to Desi. I just arrived at the airport in Arizona and in about ten minutes I will be face to face with my brother who I only spoke to a handful of times over the summer.

"Yay! How's the weather?" Desi ask.

"Don't know yet... I'm waiting to pick up my bags" I say watching all the suitcases roll pass me on the conveyor belt. "Desi I cannot believe you aren't here with me right now"

"Girl... I'll be there on Sunday, literally in two days"

"Who takes last minute family vacations anyway? Now you're coming in the day before classes, we can't explore campus now" I said and she laughs.

"You're nervous"

"No I'm not nervous" I said and Desi doesn't respond. "The last time I spoke to... him" I start to say before I was cut off.

"Him? Are we still not saying his name? What are you going to call him when you see him" she laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Last time I talked to him... we had that huge argument"

"Okay... but Cam... I've been with you all summer. I saw... him... call you and text you plenty of times. You're the one who chooses to ignore them"

"What could he possibly say to me?" I said and she doesn't respond. "Desi... I've moved on. Me not talking to... him... really helped me. I was lovestruck by a guy who had a girlfriend"

"He made you a CD" she said and I laugh.

"Out of guilt for fucking me!" I said. I guess my conversation was too loud for a couple of older women standing next to me as they gave me nasty looks. I look away when I saw one of my suitcases. I hurry to move through the crowd to grab my purple suitcase and I stood there waiting for the second one.

"I don't know..." Desi says.

"Can we not talk or focus on... him. I've had an amazing summer. And now I'm about to have an amazing COLLEGE school year with my best friend. Can we focus on college things like... stressing over homework and exams, parties, booze, and boys who only do one night stands?" I laugh and she joins me.

"You right bitch" she says and I laugh.

"Speaking of boys... how's Trey?" I ask.

"Still pissed that I'm leaving but... to be honest Camari. This long distance, I know it's not going to work"

"I'm sorry"

"Yea, if it's meant to be then it'll be but until then, let's focus on us"


"Well, I'm glad you made it there safe. Have fun! Tell Breenan and... him... I said hi. And I'll see you soon"

"Sounds good"

"Love you and since you're completely over...him. Try not to fall for him again, okay?"

"Trust me... I won't" I said picking up my last suitcase.

"Talk to you later"

"Bye" I said and we get off the phone. I pull my bags towards the exit area and went to wait under a blue sign with the number three labeled on it. I sit on a bench and look around waiting for Breenan. Tourist and business people walk pass me trying to find their ubers and I continue to watch. It was already getting dark here and I was starving.

"AYE YO CAMARI!" someone yells. I look over and my brother was getting out of his truck. He was wearing black joggers with a red shit. His hair was getting longer like he was growing it out and he takes off a pair of stylish glasses when he approaches me.

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