"......... stop flirting!"

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.... I am going through some stuff, I'll just start now.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I smile and cross my arms as Wybie gets glared at by the Other Mother, I roll my eyes at her and death glare her. Coraline then says "now... what're we even doing? I am so lost" we all look at her, oh yeah she wasn't with me and Wybie when we made that bet. I explain it to her and then say "so can we get a hint or not?" She then starts thinking, after a few seconds she just taps the table. I sigh and say "fine.... *looks around the room and listens*" I hear what sounds like glass getting wiped. I noticed the snowglobes above the fireplace, I smile and look around more and remembered about the door. I point at it and say "they're in there!" Wybie then smiles saying "nice thinking" and winks at me. I blush and giggle a bit, but didn't notice the Other Mother already opening that door until Coraline yells out "for the last time stop flirting!" And then she throws Charlie at her. He meows angrily and starts hissing as he's scratching at her button eyes, she screams as her eyes fall. The room then turned into whiteness and a spider web is the only thing that's left of the room.

I notice the snowglobe fall so I reach out and grab it before it falls all the way down with everything else. I sigh happily as I then get grabbed and pulled into someone arms, I look and see the Other Mother. I scream at her scary looking face, she looked better with the buttons on to be honest. The only reason why she dropped me back on the web was because Wybie jumped on her back and she starts trying to get him off. I smile and climb up a bit and say "Wybie come on!" He looks up at me happily. What's funny was he punched her in the head making her grab her face and then he used her to jump up. We all climbed up the web, I heard her scream as we reach the door. I was the last one in so I notice that she was climbing up and she's so close to the door. I look and see Wybie and Coraline looking back at me so I say "just go, I got this!" Other Mother then screams in my face. 

I flinch but kick her back making her fall a little so I grab the door trying to close it, but she climbs up and pulls too. With all my strength I try to pull it, but then I see the ghosts come from the eyes and pull too. I smile big as we got the door closed Coraline scared me, but she hands me the key so I lock it before the Other Mother could open it. She tried but all I see is the doorknob jiggling, and then her yelling "YOU HORRIBLE CHEATING LITTLE GIRL! DON'T LEAVE ME, I NEED YOU!! NOOOOO!" We reached it out and then did some summersaults. I shut the door and lock it, I start laughing and mini celebrating our victory making the other two do the same. We all do a group hug, but when Coraline let go Wybie just picks me up and goes in a circle laughing. I laugh too, but when he puts me down he kisses me. I blush but kiss back, then I hear Coraline laughing, I separate and look back at her angrily.

She notices and shuts up instantly, but I look at the front door hearing a car door shut. I smile and see mom and dad walk in "mom, dad!" Me and Coraline shout and hug them. They are surprised by the hug but dad looks at Coraline and says "I told you to count all the windows, not break one with your leg." I look at her knee and see it's bleeding a little, mom looks up and sees Wybie and a broken snowglobe. She narrows her eyes and says "who is he, and why did you guys break my favorite snowglobe?!" I go next to him while smiling. I introduce him "mom, dad this is my friend Wybie-" "we didn't break the snowglobe! It must've broke when you guys escaped." We all try explaining it to them but mom says "not another word, because we are obviously getting pranked. We're celebrating tonight because your father's gardening book got promoted, so I'm cooking tonight."

I smile and they go into the kitchen with the supplies, Wybie asks "is it just me, or did they have snow on their clothes?" I nod meaning I seen that too. I look at the clock and say "we've been gone for about 15 hours" Wybie's eyes widen hearing that. We all yawn at the same time "I am way too tired to ride my bike back home. Can I sleep here and then I'll leave when I wake up?" I nod and lead him to my room and yell to mom and dad "we're gonna take a nap! See ya in a while." I open my door and see my bed and everything else exactly where I left it, I smile big knowing we won. I pull him in and then close the door, and then look around for my sleeping bags. When I found them I rolled them out and set them next to eachother and grabbed my pillows from my bed and put them down. He instantly lays down inside one making me laugh and do the same and then say "good night Wybie." He mumbles something sleepily making me chuckle and slowly fall asleep, and feeling like there's something we're forgetting.


Yassssss I got it updated! I jusr reallllyyyyyyyyyy hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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