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Word count: 885

Edited: April. 26. 2019

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I sit up breathing hard "was all of that just a dream? Either way Other Mom is goin down" I say to myself, and start getting dressed for the occasion. 'Wait should I get Coraline involved? Yes I need all the help I can get' "oraline Cay, ome cay ere hay we eed nay to alk tay!" I yell so mom and dad won't get suspicious. She opens the door and asks "hey you know where mom and dad went? Also what did you want to talk about?" I widen my eyes and say "show me their room" she looks at me confused, but nods and we walk out. Once we're in I look around and see something under their bed, I reach and grab it.... it's a doll version of dad! "What- how.... *breathes in and out* what's happening? Last time I checked dad is a person." I do a soft chuckle and say "the Other Mom has them...." "who?" I then begin to explain everything, she looked so scared.

Lastly I say "these ghost children told me that if she takes my eyes, she wouldn't do anything with me except leave me in a room until I rot to death." She furrows her eyebrows and asks "why don't we just never go in there? If we never go in, we'll never be bothered again." I roll my eyes and say "if we do that, what's to stop her from going to the next child that lives here? We need to stop her for good, and make sure she never does this again." She laughs? When she stops she asks "you're not kidding?" I shake my head no for an answer. I sigh and say "you don't have to help if you don't want too, but I'm still sticking to my plan whether you're helping or not!" She looks down deep in thought. She smiles and puts her hand towards me "let's kick some Other World butt!" I smile and stand up grabbing her hand.

We then say in unison "we stick together forever!" And then she gets dressed for the adventure. While she's doing that I go outside to the old well seeing Wybie talking to Charlie, I smile and continue walking over. Wybie sees me and says "hey (N/n), what're we doing today?" I look down and tell him what the ghost children told me. His eyes widen as he says "let's just lock that door! She can't do anything in this world if she can't reach it." I look at him and say "if we do that, what's stopping her from doing that to the next kid? We need to stop her for good, you wanna help?" He looks to Charlie hoping for a sign. Charlie notices and does a nod and blinked once making Wybie look back at me and smile doing the same.

I smile and say "you're the best, now let's get back to the Pink Palace and start planning" he looks down, but shakes his head and gets on his bike. I get on the pegs again and he starts riding, as we got there I step off before he stops and begin walking to the door as he puts the kickstand down. He follows me and I open the door to see Coraline with her hands at her hips, but once she notices Wybie she asks "you brought him?! I thought it was just gonna be you and me?!" Wybie steps back a bit with his hands up and says "I don't think this'll work, me and Jones-y aren't on the same page." I grab his arm before he walks out and say "we need as much help as we can get, so either make up or I'm going without you!" They look down and nod.

I smile and let go of is arm and say "good... now how're we gonna do this? I personally think we should try to talk it out first, then-" "woah, woah, woah! Civilized isn't the answer in this case-" "oh of course you say that, instead of just talking to us the first time we met, you just scared us to death! Who even does that?! Oh yeah Why-were-you-born." I glare at Coraline when she said that "okay then, what's your guys' plan? Because as far as I know, I'm the only one saying something that's helpful." We all began thinking at that moment, I just start having flashbacks about everytime I was with her.


I noticed a cake in front of me and then it spells out in frosting 'welcome home!' I look at it with wide eyes. "Home?" "Yes, (Y/n) home. But first, before we eat cake would you like to play a game?"

~Flashback over~

I gasp and smirk saying "I know what to do" they look up at me, wanting me to explain my new plan I just thought up. I then explain "I know one thing about her, she loves games... if we challenge her with some type of game and say if we win we get mine and Coraline's parents back... she'll get to decide her part, what do you guys think?" They look at eachother, then back at me and nod their heads in unison.

"Great... now we need Charlie."


Woo! Hope you guys like this, the Pig latin "Coraline, come here we need to talk!" Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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