The ways of Charlie

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No one answered the question in the last chapter, do ya want a face reveal?

Word count: 1, 041

Edited; April. 26. 2019

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Coraline looks confused while Wybie looked at me like I'm crazy "who's Charlie" Coraline asks making me sigh. Wybie looks at Coraline and says "that black cat that was with me when we first met, me and (Y/n) named him." Coraline laughs and asks "wait, you're still not kidding?" I scoff and say "no! Like I said earlier, we need help. Last time I checked, Charlie can help, now let's go look for him!" I say and go towards the door. I heard their footsteps behind me, I begin yelling out "Charlie! Come here we need help" I hear a twig snap somewhere close. I smile and go investigate, and I think I was going too fast for them, because they started yelling for me to slow down.

I don't listen though, because I'm still looking for Charlie, I see him go in what looks like a hallowed out tree stump. I laugh and jump in, I didn't think it was this far down! I start screaming, then next thing I know I hear Charlie yelling at me to get off him. I bite my lip saying "sorry!" He runs a good distance away from me and asks "how'd you find me?" I look at where we came and pointed at it. Apparently when I jumped into that tree stump, it shot me straight out! Charlie's eyes widen and he says "we gotta go, the Other Mother doesn't know you're here yet." I look at him and say "me, Wybie, and Coraline are planning on taking her down, and we need your help" he looks at me like I'm crazy at first.

Then he smiles and says "I've always hated her as much as she hated me, now let's go before those two knuckleheads do something stupid." I laugh and I jump in first, then I hear Charlie say "Geronimo!" I laugh the whole way, until I landed again on my butt. "Ow! That hurts" Charlie then lands on top of my legs and says "imagine someone bigger than you landed on top of you, then you can talk to me" Wybie runs up to me asking "what just happened?! How'd you come from that tree stump?!" Coraline comes over too. "Why didn't you slow down? I thought we are working together!" I look down at Charlie and ask "where were we anyways?" He sits down and licks his paw.

When he stops he says "the Other World, there's many ways of getting in that only I know.... if the Other Mother figured out any of them, let's just say this world will get more rules." I gasp and say "jump in!" They shrug their shoulders and Coraline goes first saying "this should be fuuun!" Wybie grabs Charlie saying "I like echoes!" You can hear Charlie sigh in annoyance. I chuckle and jump in saying "I regret nothing!" I slid a long way down, but heard a scream, I gasp, then I get shot through a different way I didn't know about. I also felt something on me pushing me all the way until I landed on my back.

I look and see Wybie on top of me, I blush and push him off asking "what happened? Who screamed?" He gets up and dusts himself off. He helps me up saying "Coraline got captured, but Charlie managed to get away.... the Other Father was sitting there waiting" I then look around and notice we're in some type of garden. I also noticed the house right there "I guess it's just us" I say holding my hand out for a fist bump, Wybie smiles and bumps it saying "we got this." We slowly walk towards the house, I felt something poking my side and it felt pointy, I grab it and notice that metal triangle thing the ding-bats gave me.

I decdided to look through it and noticed everything looked different! "Oh god!" Wybie looks at me worried "what?!" I then say "look through this" and hand him the triangle. He looks confused at first, but looks through it and gasps "I wonder what's this even for" I then start thinking. 'Wait.... one of them said it's for seeing good things!' I smile and say "it's for seeing good things, think about it everything here is bad so we can't really see anything good." He nods in understanding and then hands it back to me, I grab it, then we continued our way inside. I lead him the way to that one room with the painting of a boy, it looked dark.... I see mom up ahead. I gasp and say "mom! I'm so happy to see you, now we need help to-" she starts getting taller and then I realized my mistake.

Other Mom snaps her fingers and the small door gets guarded by a huge cockroach, me and Wybie gag at the sight. She chuckles and says "what're you doing back?" Her face.... it looks like the same face from my dream, so that's why I seen that. I shake my head and say "you have my family, and I want them back" she then says "who?" Wybie stands next to me and says "you know who! Just give them back." She glares at Wybie and picks him up by his shirt making him scream, I try to jump up and grab him but I'm too gosh darn short. "I wasn't talking to you, was I?" Then she drops him, I help him up and say to her "how about we play a game?" She instantly smiles and nods her head.

I then say "if we win, you let me leave with Wybie and my family, and the ghost children's eyes." She then gets in my face and asks "and if I win?" I look down and say "you get my eyes" Wybie gasps and tries to tell me to change the offer. But she excepted it. So I say "it's a scavenger hunt, if I can find the ghosts eyes, my parents, and Coraline we all get to go, and you can't do anything about it." The Other Mom then says "okay, I prepared for this... now go and search! And good luck...

You're gonna need it."


That's that, I hope you liked this chapter, now I also hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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