The dream

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Word count: 793

Edited; April. 23. 2019

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I shake Wybie while looking at Miss Spink and say "she's practically naked!" Wybie covers his eyes while the Other Wybie laughs.

They start doing tricks in the air, but as they get close to the "crowd" I reach my hand up to high five Miss Forcible but she grabs my hand. I scream and feel something on my ankle, I look and see Wybie hanging on "I'm not leaving you!" He says and shrieks as he goes off with Miss Spink. I laugh while we get thrown back and forth, during a part we got so close to a dog that licked my face. I wipe where he licked me and then feel my hands getting grabbed again, I look and see who I think is Miss Spink throw me up so high I grabbed this pipe. Miss Forcible did the same to Wybie, but he wasn't high enough, so he grabs my ankles. His weight is alot more for me to hold up, I look down and notice them acrobats going in that bucket of water. I feel my fingers starting to slip, and I say "Wybie I'm losing my grip!" "Me too!" Then he lets go first making me let go a second after him.

I get caught by someone, I open my eyes I see Wybie holding me in a bridal style hold, and he's trying not to fall while standing on their hands. I notice the Other Wybie smiling as he throws a rose towards us, I was kinda scared to let go of Wybie so I catch the rose in my mouth. Other Wybie starts smiling and clapping, eventually we all get down, but I nervously laugh while saying "tonight was crazy." Wybie scratches the back of his neck while nodding, I look at his nervous state and start laughing making him laugh along with me. Other Mom comes over with Other Dad and she asks "how'd you like the show?" I smile and say "it was amazing! *clears throat* some stuff did happen though." Wybie nods his head agreeing with me, so Other Dad says "you guys should get going, it's almost two in the morning!" "Oh yeah! Grandma might kill me if I'm not home all night."

Wybie then starts pulling me to the door, so I yell out "bye guys! I'll see you tomorrow night" I see them all smiling as Wybie gets us to the door. We start crawling and when we get to the actual world, Wybie pulls me outside and says "(Y/n) that place is awesome!" I smile more. "I know! Even though the eyes are kinda freaky, it's like the world I've always dreamed of" he nods and says "I'll see you tomorrow! I gotta get back home before Grandma knows I'm gone." I wave and ask as he's riding "where's my phone?" "On the kitchen counter!" "Thanks!" I go back inside and close the door. I can't stop smiling because of last night, but then I thought of Wybie when he was holding me like that. I instantly start blushing at that moment 'om-gosh!!!! He was actually holding me.... wait where even did the Other Wybie get that rose? All of that was the best ever!' I grab my phone and go to my room to get some sleep.

~in your dream~

I was walking around and see the Other Mom, I smile and run over to her and say "hey what're we doing ton-.... ight?" She then slowly turns into this weird version of herself. She looks like a bonier version of mom and her eyes look more scarier, if that's even possible. Out of nowhere I see these three ghosts in front of me "you're in terrible danger, gurl!" I gasp and ask "what? Who are you?!" "We were just like you, a girl that thought her actual life was boring, so she thought she could go through this door to the Other World. We all made a common mistake though, we let the Other Mother sew buttons into our eyes so we could stay here forever. The problem with that was once we did, she took all of our youth so she could continue living, and she left us here to die." I widen my eyes in shock and ask "she wouldn't do that to me!.... would she?" "Of course she would! Promise us to please stay away from the Other World." I look at all of them and say "no.... if I never go back, I'll grow up and she'll just go onto the next girl, or worse she'll go after my sister! I have to make sure she can't do this ever again."

They all smile at me and say "good luck."


Okay I can't remember what all happened in the movie after this, but now this is where my story becomes whatever I type it to be.... now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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