Slug pics/and the "ding-bats"

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Word count: 1, 192

Edited; April. 20. 2019

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I instantly sit up, I liked that dream it was amazing! Not to mention kinda creepy, but eh, what're ya gonna do? I get up and quickly get dressed for today "today's gonna be a good day." I say to myself and run out of my room and notice everyone up and doing their usual things, mom just on her laptop again while Coraline is annoying her. I silently laugh and walk in and go for cereal, I sit down and eat already feeling happy because it's only foggy outside. "Ey hay om may, is our yay ork way ard hay?" I ask after swallowing the cereal, she groans and shuts her laptop. Coraline tries not to laugh while asking "where are you going?" "Away from the kitchen to get my work done!" We laugh by ourselves and quickly finish up our cereal. I run to grab my boots and so does Coraline, as I am already by the door I yell walking out "I'm gonna adventure around a bit, be back later!" And go out before I get told I can't.

I go all the way outside and look around the place and then find myself going to what mom likes to call "the ding-bats apartment." I knock on the door and then hear the dogs barking, Miss Spink looked through the window and sees me. I smile as she let me in "hey Miss Spink, how's it going?" "Oh good dearie, would you like some tea?" "Sure" "Miriam, get some oolong tea started we have company!" I don't see why mom calls them ding-bats, they're nice. "I think she'd prefer Jasmine" "oolong tea!" "Oh, Jasmine it is then" besides the arguing here and there. Miss Spink rolls her eyes and tells me to sit down, I do and then see some candy in front of me, I try to get one, but they're all stuck together. I put my shoe on them to try and get a piece, but ended up getting all the candy stuck on the ceiling. Miss Forcible comes out with the tea and then Miss Spink asks "would you like me to read your tea leaves?" I nod my head drinking most of the tea "okay that's enough, let me see" I hand over the cup and then she grabs this hat and says "oh (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)!" "What?" I ask curiously.

"You are in terrible danger!" Miss Spink says making me gasp "oh give me that cup April, your eyes are going." "My eyes!? You're blind as a bat!" Miss Spink says back "oh don't worry dear, it's good news.. I see a tall handsome beast in your future." I gag at the sound of that "Miriam you're holding it wrong! *grabs the cup* see danger" "what do you see?" "A peculiar hand-" "I see a giraffe." Miss Spink scoffs "giraffes don't just fall from the sky Miriam!" After that got said the candy falls, so I ask "okay, then what should I do?" They both look back at me. "Never wear green in your dressing room-" "have a very tall step ladder-" "and be very very careful!" Miss Forcible knocks Miss Spink to the floor afterwards. I looked back at the candy "oh we got some more, hold on" Miss Forcible goes and grabs more taffy "wait, Miriam I have to do something" she crushes them all up and then grabs out this weird metal triangle thing. I look at her questioningly "it's to see bad things-" "good things, April!" "Bad things, Miriam!" "I should be going *grabs the metal triangle* thanks, bye!" And I walk towards the door.

I notice it's still foggy outside but I see that weird thing Wybie always has on his head sticking out of the fog. I smile and say "hey Wybie" he jumps and I'm guessing he's just now noticing it's me "hey (Y/n), how're you doing?" "Good, what're you doing out here though?" "We're just looking for banana slugs." I look around him and then ask "we?" Then the cat comes out of his coat, I smile at the sight then he licks his paw. "You know sometimes I wish he can understand me.... it would do you both some good" I was about to question the cat when Wybie says "you mind taking some pictures?" "Not at all." He acts like he's eating the slug first making me chuckle, then he makes it like he has a booger making me silently gag, next he makes me scoff, and lastly I said "eww!" While laughing. I hand him back his camera and he puts it back in his coat, then he looks at the house to me and says "you know, I've never been in the Pink Palace before" "what?!" I ask surprised, I mean his grandma owns it! How could he not go inside. "Grandma'd kill me!... says it's dangerous or something."

I look up at the house and notice little me looking through the window, I shake my head and say "it's not dangerous, it's awesome!" He looks at me questionably. I silently giggle and say "I had this amazing dream, I went through this little door that's in one of the rooms and there was a weird version of mom, Coraline, and dad! There was only two things off though.... my mom is uptight, and they all have buttons for eyes." The cat heard me too and I noticed his eyes widen, Wybie though was smiling "that sounds great, you should bring me next time." The cat gasps and says "no, that's a terrible idea." I finally question him "why?" "Why what?" "I mean.... I'll explain later just let me ask this.... why is that such a bad idea?" I ask not wanting to explain this to Wybie at the moment. They both raise their eyebrows but the cat says "you're gonna have to tell him at some point... also you have to stop going to the Other World! I can't tell you why right now, but you have to trust me."

I shrug my shoulders and then say "yeah totally Wybie, I'll bring you if I can... *smirks at the cat* can we name him though?" I ask at the end. Wybie looks at the cat and says "yeah.... how about Eugene?" "No... how about-" "Charlie" we say at the same time. We laugh and the- I mean Charlie rolls his eyes "that is my name!" I start laughing more hearing that. Charlie sighs and Wybie looks at me and asks "I should get going, bye (Y/n) I'll see you tommorow?" I nod my head agreeing with him. I chuckle and think to myself 'I've fallen hard for him.... gosh darn it he's never gonna like me back.. at least we can still hang out with him not knowing, nevermind that sounds so sad. I'll just think this out later' I walk inside and see Coraline being bored, but when she sees me smiles instantly. "Wanna play hide and seek?" She asks standing up, I nod my head excited to play again, and then we decided she would be it.


Okay the Pig latin is "hey mom, is your work hard?" So I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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