The doll

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Word count: 1,071

Edited; April. 13. 2019

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I look down debating on apologizing for the attitude "I'm sorry.... I haven't been in my family for long, they adopted me" I explain. He looks at me surprised "I'm sorry I didn't know-" "it's fine but do you really think I'm gonna go missing from a house?" I ask playfully. He looks at me worriedly "just.... promise me" he says and puts his hand on mine, I blush at the sudden contact but say "I promise." I jumped because a bell sound could be heard and a lady yelling "Wyborn!" Wybie looks down and says "grandma!.... I gotta go, you wanna ride?" I look at him with a smile. I accept his offer and he gets on his bike, I stand on the back pegs and grab his shoulders, he tenses but relaxes and starts going.

It doesn't take long to get to the old well so we rode in a comfortable silence "thanks for the ride Wybie. See ya soon?" I ask doing finger guns, he laughs and says "yeah, see ya soon" and he rides off back home. I walk home and notice rain starting to fall, I run back to the house before I get soaked and silently open the door. When I closed it I hear mom ask "and what were you doing outside?" I jump and see her with her arms crossed, I nervously laugh. She glares and then says "you're grounded, so no going out tomorrow!" I just sighed at that.

I was about to take out my phone when she looks back at me and says "I'm gonna take this too" I gasp but put it in her hand. She walks away and goes back to work, I walk around trying to look for Coraline, I found her bugging dad. I don't wanna do that right now, so I go to my room and start decorating.

-time skip to the next day-

I wake up and get dressed, yesterday was boring after I got home from outside, but today's a new day. Once I got done I went downstairs and see Coraline with mom, Coraline is putting seed packets on the windowsill, while mom is working. I get myself some cereal and sit down "we almost fell down a well yesterday mom...." "mhmm" is all she says. So I continue "we could've died!" "That's nice dear" I gasp and then just continue eating. Until I got an idea "hey mom... can I go outside with Coraline?" "No, rain makes mud, and mud makes a mess." "So you hear that?" Coraline asks, mom looks at us and then says "look girls I'm really busy.

Why don't you go and see what you're dad is doing" I roll my eyes and leave my bowl but before I could leave with Coraline, mom says "oh yeah, some kid left this for you (Y/n)." There's a newspaper in her hands in the shape of a big burrito. I walk over to mom and grab the newspaper and unwrap it to see a doll that's wearing the exact same things as me! There's also a note 'Hey (N/n) look what I found in Grandma's trunk. Look familiar? -Wybie' I pick up the doll from the newspaper.

Mom doesn't look away from the screen but asks "who's it from?" "Wybie, I think I'm too old for dolls though" and then we walked to dad's study room. He was just typing away at his computer so when he notices us from the reflection he says "hi Coraline, (Y/n), and (Y/n)... doll" "hey dad wouldn't it be awesome if we could go outside?" I ask still trying. He smiles while saying "what'd the boss say?" "Don't even think about it Jones' girls!" Me and Coraline say in unison. "Then you don't need to go" me and Coraline sigh in frustration, she then starts messing with the door which is creaking because it needs oiled.

I found a squicky floorboard, so I keep stepping on it... dad then has enough so he says "you know what this house is really old." "So?" "Write down how many windows there are, how many doors- just let me work!" Coraline grabs the tiny notebook and pen and we were off to take notes. It kinda took awhile to do it.... also dad getting upset, but when I tried to grab the doll, it's not where I put it "where's little me?" I ask looking under the table. Coraline looked confused at my question "who's little me?" I roll my eyes "the doll that looks like me.

I left her on this chair, and now she's gone" I explain, Coraline then looks around with me and points at it. "Right there!" I go and grab it, but notice there's something behind this box where little me was. I move the box aside and see what looks like a door "hey mom, I found something!" "I'm really really busy." Coraline looks at me with a smile and says "please!" You can hear mom groan from here. She comes walking, she looks at the door and then us "if I do this for you, will you leave me alone?" I beg with the puppy eyes so she says "fine."

Then she walks to probably grab the key, when she comes back she cuts some of the wallpaper and then puts the key in the keyhole. But when it opens it's just bricks "bricks?" "They probably blocked it off when they divided the house." She stands up, so Coraline says "but why is the door so small?" Mom looks at us and says "we made a deal. Zip it!" I look back at the door as she walks away "you didn't lock it" she groans again but when she comes back she just grabs the key and walk away putting it back.

I look towards Coraline and notice she's looking at me "so wanna talk in pig latin next to dad until he cracks?" I ask with a smirk. She nods her head yes, sometimes we do this just to get on their nerves, we walked to dads study room and sit on the floor. I started by just asking how she's doing, she said she's doing good, next I asked what she thought of the house. She said it's kinda creepy, but dad groaned and hit his head on the desk, I laugh and ask if this is fun, she nods her head.


Okay I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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