"Oh you brought company......."

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Word count: 940

Edited; April. 23. 2019

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I run and hid where the water heater is, we got told not to come in here after we messed with dads work. I sat down because I got tired of standing, it takes her about five to ten minutes to find me "I didn't know you would be in here." I laugh and begin counting "one... two... three... four... five... six..." I kept counting until I got to twenty. I then yelled out for her to be ready, sometimes she doesn't have the best imagination so this should be easy. I found her under her bed "really? Woulda thought you pick a better spot" "wanna play something else?" "Yeah it'll be easier for us both." We started thinking, but the only thing we could think of was to annoy mom and/or dad with Pig latin. We decided to hang out another time when we can actually think of something to do.

I look around bored out of my mind already, but then I heard the house phone ring "could one of you get that? It might be my boss." I roll my eyes at dads laziness "hello, Jones residence" I say but who answers surprised me "he (N/n)." I gasp and ask "Wybie?? How'd you get our house phone number?" He chuckles and says "your phone dropped from your pocket, so I picked it up." I check my coat pocket and notice there's a hole in it, I laugh nervously and say "thanks... um can you bring it by later?" "I would have to bring it when it's dark, that's when grandma falls asleep." I sigh and say "okay, thanks Wybie... um okay then see ya later" "later" then I hung up and walked to my room.

-time skip to when Wybie brings you your phone, brought to you by Charlie-

I sneak out of my room before mom yells at me to go to sleep, I open the front door and go to the porch and wait. It's still kinda foggy outside, but I see Wybie coming with his bike "Wybie!" I whisper yell happy to see him again. He gets off his bike and puts out the kickstand and goes past me and asks "can I use your bathroom?" I nod and walk inside with him. I showed him where it was, then I walked to the little door to see if it would open right now. It showed that little tube to the other side, but right when I was about to go through I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and look to see Wybie "oh thank goodness it's you... wanna come?" I ask happily. He looks at me then to the door, and looks down nervously "I'm gonna go without you even if you don't wanna go" he looks up in realization and says "I'm only coming to make sure you'll be okay." I smile knowing he cares, but then proceed to crawl my way through, I can feel him coming behind me, so I know I wasn't dreaming.

When I get to the room I stand up and look down at Wybie "follow me!" I say and help him up and then start looking around. I see the Other Coraline in the living room, she looks up at me and then sees Wybie and gasps. "I old tay ou yay to eave lay!" I roll my eyes at her "ey hay, I hought tay his tay ould way be un fay!" Then Wybie taps my shoulder and says "top say alking tay in ig pay atin lay, I now kay hat way ou're yay aying say!" Me and the Other Coraline gasp and start laughing. When I stop I say "sorry I'm used to talking to her that way... anyway where's the Other Mom?" Other Coraline then facepalms and says "she said she wanted to surprise you.... go down to the Ding-bats apartment." I nod and say "come on Wybie!" But once I stepped outside I see Charlie "ooo are you the Other Charlie?" I ask him.

He rolls his eyes and says "I'm not the Other anybody, I'm me! And I told you not to come here!" Wybie screams scared. I look at him and ask "what?" "C-Charlie just t-talked" I start laughing but then realized he heard Charlie too. I smile and then say "Charlie I thought I was the only one who understood you" he looks at me and licks his paw "in the Other World anyone can understand me... and Wybie just know when you talk to me in the actual world, one thing you always say I'll tell you right now, don't worry about love it's complicated now but in a little bit you'll understand." I look between them and ask "what?" I can tell Wybie is blushing but he says "let's go to that surprise!" "Oh yeah, come on!" I pull him to their apartment and knock on the door. The door swings open the second I knock and then I see the Other Mom, she smiles looking at us both.

"Oh you brought company! Great now I can get rid of the Other Wybie" she says and steps aside to let us in. Wybie was about to say something when the Other Wybie walks out and waves, they mirror eachother and both say "this is actually cool." I laugh and say "what's the surprise?" Other Mom then pulls us to this theater looking place and we get to be in front row. I smile as the lights go down and we get to see what is Miss Spink dressed as a mermaid....


Okay that's it, and the pig latin the Other Coraline said "I told you to leave!", then you "hey, I thought this would be fun!", then Wybie "stop talking in pig latin I know what you're saying!" I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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