Chapter 31

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Amy's POV

    Holy shit Niall kissed me. Or did I kiss him? I wasn't really sure I just know we kissed. Well that and that I had liked it. What am I saying I shouldn't have liked it I'm with Harry. I tried to think of Harry and our meany kisses much deeper than this one, but it wasn't working. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the thought of Niall's lips on mine out of my head. "Amy did you hear me," Niall asked.

    Shit I had been watching his lips move, but was to busy thinking about them being on my lips to hear him. "Him what sorry?" I asked embarassed and red in the cheeks.

    "I said can we not tell anyone about this if Harry or Zayn find out I'll end up getting hurt, I promise I won't do it again," Niall asked with a hopeful smile.

    "Yea I think it would be best if it stayed between us," I agreed. I didn't want Harry to find out at least not till I knew what I wanted to do about it. Niall let out a breath of relief. I wanted to tell him I wouldn't mind if he kissed me again, but I held my tongue.

    "You want to head back to the house love?" Niall asked after a moment. I nodded getting up from the swing. I took his hand again like on the walk here so he would know nothing has changed because of the kiss. Well I guess its so he wouldn’t know it’s changed more so. Because if I’m being honest it changed a lot. He gave me a small smile as we headed back to my house. within seconds of us leaving the swings they were occupied by smiling kids demanding to be pushed by their parents.

“Niall can I ask you something?” I asked glancing at him. He looked down at me with a little smile.

“Of cored love what is it?” I love that he is still calling me love, but I think I turn a little pink each time he does it.

“Why did it take you so long to kiss me? I mean i guess you could have just got the want to but in that case what changed, or maybe nothing did and you just wanted to test it,” I asked as I started to ramble a bit.

“Amy I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day the band was put together,” he said cutting off my nervous rambles.

“Than why now? Why not before I was with Harry?” I didn’t want him to feel guilty I just wanted to know why he hadn’t done it before.

“There are a few times I almost did, like when you and Zoe surprised us at Simons house at during the X factor and a few random times, but I guess I was just scared you wouldn’t have wanted me to and I didn’t want things to get awkward,” his words were so sweet and adorable.

“I think next time you like a girl Niall you should forget about your fears and go for it,” I told him hoping not to lead him on but also hoping to let him know that I would have liked the kiss. He blushed a little but nodded. “Besides if she doesn’t see how amazing you are than she doesn’t deserve you and you should forget about her,” I said a little quieter, but I know he heard me.

Niall’s POV

I can’t believe I kissed Amy today. I’m laying on an air mattress in Zayn’s living room supposed to be sleeping but can’t because I can’t get her lips out of my head. Her and I had both kept our promise and not told anyone… yet. I will admit when everyone else had got back from water sliding and I had seen Harry I had felt guilty. Though I couldn’t help but notice that she seemed a little distracted from him. Usually they seem focused on each other. Does that make me a bad person for having these thoughts about a friends girlfriend? No it’s not the thoughts that make me a bad person it’s the fact that I kissed her. I felt bad not telling him, but at the same time if I don’t do it again wouldn’t telling him just hurt him. Than I had to remember which would hurt Amy less and that is definitely not kissing her again and just staying quiet. At least I think that would be the best for her I don’t really know I’ve never had a girlfriend or been close to any girls. It’s not like I have a sister. Maybe I’m just screwed and someone will end up hurt anyways. Oh yea that’s me, I have to be around Amy all the time well shes with Harry and know if I hadn’t been such a chicken and just asked her out when I had first wanted all those cute things she does with him could have been done with me. “Niall?” Liam asked from the couch.

“Yea?” I had though all the other boys were asleep so I was a little shocked by him being awake.

“What’s on your mind you’ve been sitting there deep in thought for a while,” Liam asked in a hushed voice so as not to wake the others.

“Okay well um my one friend back home we like the same girl and he doesn’t know I do but they started dating but um her and I kissed and we agreed not to tell him, but she also made it seem that if I had asked her out first she would have said yes,” I couldn’t let him know it was Amy but maybe he could help me. He seemed to think about my words for a while.

“I don’t think not telling him is the way to go. I mean he’s bound to find out eventually better it be from you two then later by someone else,” Liam said giving me a sympathetic look.

“Yea you’re probably right,” I said letting out a sigh. So Amy and I need to tell Harry and soon. Now the only question is how.”

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