chapter 8

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A/N Hey guys so this is going to be a long chapter but it will be a good one.


 Louis’s POV

  We were pulling into Amy’s drive way and I must say her house is pretty big, but humble at the same time. We all hopped out and followed Amy up the font steps. “Mom I’m home.” Amy yelled when she opened the door.

  “Hi sweaty.” We heard someone reply. Then a lady who I’m assuming is her mom comes around the corner. “Oh good they were able to stay then?” She asks but doesn’t really give anyone a chance to answer. “Oh please come in." She said as if realizing we were still standing in the door way. “Oh and I have to give you the tour.” She said.

  “Mom do you really have time for that? Don’t you and Dad need to be at the airport like now?” Amy asked I thought it was funny how she wanted her parents gone so much.

  “Oh sweaty you’re right I just don’t want to leave you alone. Maybe your still to young I mean you are only 15.” She’s only 15 how the heck is that possible she looks so much older.

  “Mom I’ll be fine besides I’m not alone I have all them I’ll be fine just go and have fun.” Amy said almost pushing her mom out the door. A man came down the stars carrying two large suitcases.

  “Oh good you managed to get her out of the house finally. That’s my girl.” Said the man who I am now assuming to be her father. “You’ll be good and don’t burn the house down?” He asked her jokingly.

  “The house and I will both be fine Dad.” She answered with a smile.

  “Yeah I know you’re a good girl.” He said kissing her on the head before turning to Zayn. “ You take care of my little girl.” He said in a fake whisper as if we can’t hear him.

  “I always will.” Zayn answered giving Amy a little smile that she returned. I could tell they had something planned and then when Zoe joined in their smiling I knew that this was going to be a fun weekend. Amy said bye to her parents one last time. The second she closed the door she gave Zayn and Zoe little nods before they disappeared.

  “Okay so I hope you weren’t planning on going to sleep right away. Now I know it’s already almost 10 but we are having a little party. Tonight we do what we haven’t properly done yet. Tonight we celebrate. Zayn Zoe you can come out now.” Amy said after her little speech. I could tell this was going to be a fun night.

  Amy’s POV

 After I gave my little speech I saw the boy’s faces light up, even Liam’s. Zayn came out carrying 7 shot glasses and a bottle of whisky. Then Zoe came out with and empty bottle. Yes tonight would be fun. I knew Liam couldn’t drink but I thought he could use a shot glass for water or juice so he felt included. The boy’s faces light up even more at the sight of alcohol. “Okay first we have to get our pj’s on.” I said pointing at Zoe and I. Before her and I ran up the stars to my room.

  “I still can’t believe your parents are trusting you alone.” Zoe said to me and she slid out of her jeans and into her shorts.

  “I take offence to that.” I stated before laughing. Her and I hurried down the stars again. The boy’s were all waiting for us around the coffee table with the empty bottle sitting on it. “So I’m hopping you have all realized that we are playing sin the bottle by now. Here are the rules if you get a truth or a dare you don’t want you can choose to have a shot or loose an article of clothing, but you only get five shots. After that you must do everything. Does everyone understand?” I asked. Everyone nodded. “Good who wants to spin the bottle first?” Zoe’s hand shot up and I gave her a small nod. She grind at me before grabbing the bottle giving it a good spin. Around and around it went it started to slow down and landed on Harry.

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