Chapter 27

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Amy’s POV

Harry Zayn and I went into the hospital, Zayn going to the front desk to check me in and hope we haven’t missed the appointment. Harry took my hand in him bringing me over to the waiting chairs. “How are you feeling?” Harry asked sitting down and gently pulling me onto his lap.

“I’m sore but I think that’s a given,” I said shrugging only to end up cringing as pain shoots up my broken arm. Harry’s face instantly got concerned.

“Hey careful no moving that arm,” he said as he gently brushed his fingers along it. His touch as light as a feather so it didn’t cause any pain but did make goosebumps form on my arm. “You liked that?” Harry asked getting a cocky little grin as he did it again.

“Harry stop it tickles,” I said wiggling a little.

Though I can’t really say I minded his touch. “Please it hurts to laugh,” I added and now he did stop. Just in time to because Zayn and Trisha made there way over to.   

“Sorry,” Harry whispered into my hair still holding me on his lap. Zayn kept glancing between us with a frown but I couldn’t bring myself to pull away his arms were too comforting. I mean I’m not sad or wanting to cry or anything, but I hate hospitals and he made it not as bad.

“Okay so we can head to the room right away,” Trisha said before turning to lead us. I’ve been through this enough times to know to follow. I kept Harrys hand in my good arm as we went to one of the rooms.

Harry’s POV

Trisha, Zayn and I got kicked out of the room so the nurse could help Amy change into a hospital gown. I felt bad because I could tell she didn’t want to be alone but I think I would get looks from both Zayn and Trisha if I said I would help her instead. Zayn probably would have forced me out seeing as he wasn’t to happy to have me come in the first place. After the nurse opened the door Amy was in a gown and a little house coat thing following the nurse. “X-rays already?” Zayn asked.

“Yup they are on the ball, they already know my arm is broken they are just worried about my ribs now,” Amy said with sarcastic excitement. “I’ll see you guys after,” she added as she went to a different room. I guess we can’t go with her, though that kind of makes sense. I still wish I was with her though I can tell she is in pain by the way she moves when she walks, and I wish I could take the pain for her. Does that sound weird? It’s just because I don’t like seeing her in pain.

When Amy came back she was without a nurse, but still looked just as sore. Zayn hopped of the little bed so she could lay down. I can’t say I was all that surprised that she only sat. After seeing the bruising on her back I’m guessing it hurts to lay down. I came and sat beside her taking her hand as she leaned on my shoulder. When the nurse came back she said a few things that meant very little to me. All I know is Amy’s arm is broken and her ribs are bruised the rest of the details I zoned out on and focused on Amy who kept flinching when she tried to yawn.

“Okay guys we just have to get the cast on then we can head home. You can sleep then sweetie you look tired,” Trisha said to as and using a mother hen tone on the last part to Amy. Amy nodded and held out her arm for the nurse to put the cast on flinching a little when the nurse had to move her hand so things were in the right place. I guess once everything was in the right place it was painless though seeing as I now had a sleeping Amy on my shoulder. “Awe I don’t want to wake her,” Trish said when she noticed.

“If you are careful and had your arm right under hers it shouldn’t hurt her to me carried,” the nurse said. I instantly followed her directions letting her move my arm a bit before picking Amy up tucking the other hand under her knees. Amy wrapped her good arm around me well the other sat on her stomach. Zayn still kept looking at us with what I believe is jealousy. When we got to the car I sat in the back with Am’s on my lap cuddled into me.

Sorry this chapter is a little crappy but I needed to update :/

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