Chapter 18

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Amy’s POV

           When Harry dropped me off he came right up to my door and gave me a tender kiss. As cheesy as it is I have to say it felt like a movie, but unlike the movies where the girls dad is sitting up I had Zayn sitting on the couch and even though it was only ten he looked like he was trying to keep his eyes open. Giggling I grab a blanket and come and sit beside. “You trying to stay up?” Zayn jumped at the sound of my voice. I guess he was more asleep then I thought.

          “What, oh um yea. I guess I’m not very good at this.” He blushes looking down. I smiled at him, it’s cute that he was trying to stay up.

          “Not good at what?” I questioned even though I knew I still wanted him to say it.

            “Staying up tell you get home so I know you’re safe”,  I smiled at him glad all this new fame stuff hadn’t changed him. I remember when he made it past the judge’s houses with the rest of the boys Zoe and I had both talked about our far of loosing him. I was glad to know I didn’t have to worry any more at least for a while.

             “Well you didn’t have to but thank you”, I said as I snuggled into him. He put his arm around me pulling me closer, this reminded me of when we were younger we were just missing Zoe. After long hard days at school or even just lazy days Zoe and I would all sit on either side of Zayn some times we would watch a movie and sometimes we would just sit there. I remember mornings that we would wake up with a blanket that one of our parents had put over us, Zayn would always complain about a sour neck in the morning.

             “Yes I did its my job to make sure no one hurts you” I loved how protective he was being as long as he didn’t get annoying with it.

             “Technically its not your job but that’s okay and just so you know Harry was a good boy all night” I reassure him. He looks at me with a smile then looks down to my sweater and his smile drops a bit. I look down a little confused and all I can see that is different is that its Harry’s sweater. “What? What’s wrong?”

             “What happened to your sweater?” I could tell by the way his jaw twitched that this was really bugging him. I couldn’t see why it was just a sweater.

            “My drink was spilt on it but we didn’t want to come home so Harry just gave me his.” I explain still not seeing why he was so worked up about it. His smile came back a bit still not fully.

             “To cold for just a T-shirt?” Some how I could tell he was still upset with me in Harry’s sweater. I roller my eyes at him, he was such a boy.

            “No I would have been fine in just a T-shirt but I hadn’t planed to be spilled on so I didn’t wear a T-shirt” I didn’t get his weirdness he has never been like this before. The small smile that had been beginning to re-appear was gone again.

             “So wait you changed in the bathroom right?” I almost burst out laughing at how blunt he was being, but I knew what I was going to say next wasn’t going to help.

             “No I just switched sweaters well he was driving” He looked at me so shocked and I could see a tiny bit of anger. I knew the anger wasn’t at me, it wasn’t even at Harry it was just there. “Zayn what’s really bugging you? Why are you being so touchy its not like this is my first boyfriend.” I asked gently. I don’t think this helped his mood, in fact I think it made it worse.

             “Yea well your last one you weren’t all that smart about it were you?” he snapped. I flinched and pulled away from him. I wasn’t scared of him by any means but I wasn’t used to him yelling at me. Though I think what he said hurt the most because I know I was stupid to think Noah had changed but he didn’t have to rub it in. Noah had done that enough and it had hut and still does. I guess he realized what he had said because the anger was gone in a heart beat, but it was to late. “Amy I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I just…” I didn’t wait to hear what he meant I stood up running to my room closing the door behind me. I took a deep breath and slid down the door. “Amy come on open the door” I could hear Zayn through the door sounding a little desperate, but I wouldn’t open up not yet not tonight.

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