chapter 3

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A/N Hey guys hope you like the story so far. Let me know and there’s a pic of how I see Zoe on the side.


 Zoe’s POV

 I woke up to the sound of my very annoying alarm. I look over and see Zayn still sleeping, with Amy on the other side of him just waking up. If some one were to walk in right now they would think Zayn is quite the lade’s man. I didn’t know if I should wake Zayn up yet, we still have two hours before we have to be at boot camp. “ Should we wake him up yet?”I asked Amy.

  “No, let him sleep. We can get ready then get him up.” She said I nodded. Getting up and grabbing my stuff for a shower. I was making sure not to make it obvious, so I could have first shower. When I looked up I couldn’t see Amy, then I heard the shower running.

 “Damn it Amy, I wanted first shower.” I yield to her. I could hear her laughing at me.

  “ To bad slow poke.” She taunted me. I looked over at her suitcase and saw that she hadn’t grabbed any cloths yet. Oh sweet revenge. My plan would start when the water turns off. Man she is having a long shower. Oh there it is the waters off. I grab her suitcase and run to the door. I get back inside just in time, cuz she is opening the door. I grab my stuff including cloths to put on after, that way if she dose the same thing it wont matter. As soon as she’s out of the bathroom I run in and lock the door.

 Amy’s POV

 The second I was out of the bathroom Zoe ran in. That’s odde. I walk over to my suitcase. Or should I say what used to be my suitcase. “Zoe where the hell did you put my stuff?” I yield from the bathroom door.

 “Oh it was in the way so I put it in the hallway.” She said all innocently. I could kill that girl I looked out into the hall and saw my stuff across the hall grate just grate. I looked around the room for something to put on. Nothing, wonderful. I walked over to Zayn’s suitcase and grabbed a shirt. The shirt came to just past my bum. Good enough I though to my self. I walked out the door only to find Harry looking at my suitcase confused. “Um excuse me but that’s mine.” I said awkwardly. He looked up and smirked at me.

 “You know you can keep that in your room right?” he asked. No really? I had no idea.

  “ Thanks tips.” I said as I grabbed it trying not to show my bum. Could this get any more awkward? I walked over to the door and turned the handle. It didn’t open, crap I left the key inside. Wow I here I was thinking things could only get better. Oh how wrong I was. I started knocking on the door then I realized no one would hear me cuz Zayn was still asleep and Zoe was in the shower. I could feel Harry watching me. I hit my head against the door a few times.

 “Love stop.” Harry said as he pulled me away from the door. I let out a long sigh. “ Do you have your phone?” He asked. I shuck my head. “ Well why don’t you come back to my room and get dressed, so you’re not so exposed?” He said, as his eyes looked me up and down. I raised my eyebrow at him. “ I won’t try anything.” He said. Reading my thoughts. I raised my eyebrow higher. “ My mom is sharing the room with me love. I won’t try anything.” This time I decided to trust him. He picked up my suitcase and grabbed my hand leading me to his room.

  “Harry what tock you so lo… Who do we have her?” A lade who looked about the same age as my mom asked.

 “Mom this is Ryall. She’s friends with one of the other contestants.” Harry told his mom. She smiled at me sweetly. I realized how bad this probably looks, with me just wearing one of Zayn’s shirts. I guess Harry realized this to. “Um her friend put her suitcase in the hall well she was in the shower, and she got locked out.” Harry’s mom seemed to under stand at this point.

  “You can go get dressed in the bathroom sweet heart.” I smiled at her and grabbed my suitcase from Harry. I got dressed quickly. When I came out Harry’s mom was gone and Harry had changed. I’m glad I didn’t come out well he was changing. That would have been awkward. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

  “Um can I use you phone for a second?” I asked. I hope Zayn’s up by now or Zoe out of the shower.

  “Sure love.” Harry said handing me his iphone. I called Zayn’s number knowing it by heart. It rang three times before I heard his voice.

 “Hello?” I let out a little sigh.

 “Hey Zayn. Its Amy.” I said

  “Amy where the hell are you? Zoe told me what she did, but was freaking out cuz we couldn’t find you. Where are?” Zayn asked sounding like he had been freaking out as well.

 “Well you remember Harry from yesterday? Well he found me locked out so he brought me to his room.” I answered his many questions.

  “You mean the one you kissed? Wait. You’re in his room? Amy you don’t know him. What if…”Zayn started yelling.

 “Yes Zayn the one I kissed. Would you rather I stay in the hallway only wearing one of your shirts? At least this way I could get dressed.” I said back a little annoyed. I turned red when I saw Harry smirking at me and realized I had just said something about the kiss.

  “Fine, just come back to our room so I know your safe.” Zayn said


 Half an hour later.

  Zayn’s POV

 We were learning a dance to perform in front of the judges. I hate dancing and I suck at it. This is horrible I’m going to loose because I can’t dance. When the judges came out to watch us I couldn’t do it. I snuck off stage, hopefully no one will notice. I guess I wasn’t that lucky cuz Amy walked around the corner and walked over to me. At least its Amy not Zoe, Zoe would yell at me Amy will at least have a soft tone. “ What the hell are you doing back here Zayn!?” Maybe not as nice as I thought. Oh well I can make her soften up.

 “I can’t do it Amy. I suck at dancing.” I said as my eyes started to water.

 “Oh loose the tears Zayn.” She said with no sympathy. What the hell is wrong she always falls for the tears. “ You think not even try is going to make them want you, cuz if so you don’t know how wrong you are.” Wow I never see this side of her.

 “But what if I mess up or they don’t like me.” I started.

 “Oh don’t give me that crap. You said that about coming in the first place and now look you made. So don’t screw it up and get you ass on that stage.” At this point Zoe had found us to.

 “Zayn we dance all the time. Just pretend it’s like that. Amy and I can even come dance behind the judges.” Zoe said surprising me being the kind one.

 “Fine, but only because I’m really confused right now.” I said and it was true they were confusing the shit out of me. I went back on stage and did the dance. I didn’t do that bad though it was hared not to laugh because of how horrible Zoe and Amy were dancing. I could hear some of the others laughing to. When we were done everyone went back stage waiting to see if they made it. I saw Harry say something to Amy that made her laugh. Before she walked over to me giving me a hug.

 “See you did fine.” She said to me. I just nodded.


 A/N Hey guys so yes I know that Simons the one who gave Zayn a pep talk I real life but what ever. If you know the story of how 1D was formed you know what’s next. Hope you liked

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