Chapter 13

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Zoe’s POV

             Liam, Louis and I just got back to my house from the school. I was still a little shaken up, but the fact that Liam hasn’t moved his arm from my shoulder yet was calming. I couldn’t figure out why the kids at the school had actually hit me usually they just use words and those I can block out to a point. It was like Louis was having similar thoughts. “Are they always like that?” He asked concerned and he seemed a little mad, not at me but at the people who had hurt me and the guy Liam beat up.

             “No usually they just use words, I haven’t been hit before.” I told him hopping it would help. I try to think back to if any of us have been hit before and realize Zayn had but that’s how guys usually bully each other, then I remember. “One time Amy got slapped but that was when she had got tired of just sitting there quiet letting them run their mouths and she turned around and slapped the girl only to get slapped but the girls two friends.” I explained to the boys.

             “Does anyone try to stop them?” Liam said and I could tell he wanted to hit the guy more.

             “No.” I said softly wanting to talk about anything else. I hated talking about this it always made me feel guilty. I know Amy and Zayn would try to shelter me from the bullies but they did this by getting the bullies to focus of them. I had asked them why they did it and Zayn had said its because as the only guy in the friendship it was his job to protect us and that had kind of made sense because I knew he did the same for Amy. Where as Amy said she did it because she could handle the talk and I took it to heart more then she did. I guess in a way she was right.

             I had to change the subject before I started to cry again. That’s when I remembered Liam’s hand. I picked it up in mine “Your hands still bleeding” I said walking to the kitchen to get some ice and a cloth.

             “Zoe it’s fine.” Liam called after me, but I ignored him. When I came back into the living room I took Liam’s hand placing it on my knee and dabbed at the blood that had dried. Liam flinched squeezing my knee a bit. After I cleaned it I set the cloth with the ice in it over his hand that still rested on my knee.

             For some reason I felt like Louis kept looking from me to Liam’s hand on my knee with a sad look. I must be imagining it. I mean come on why would Louis care?

 Zayn’s POV

              I was pissed off that Noah had hurt Amy but the way he hurt her mad it so much worse. I knew that the bully’s would still go after Zoe and Amy when I left but I had no idea they would do it like that if Amy hadn’t told me before that she had said no to Noah I’m pretty sure I would have hunted him down. I still can’t believe he would have hurt her like that, its one thing to have sex with a girl and leave her but to take her virginity just to hurt her, that’s messed up.

             We walked into Zoe’s house to find her nursing Liam’s hand. Typical Zoe, always helping the hurt. “What happened to you?” I asked with a chuckle.

             “I uh punched a guy.” He told us.

             “Why the hell did you do…” I stopped when Zoe turned to us and I was she was hurt. “I though they only used words on you two” I said kind of defeated knowing exactly who Liam had hit and why.

             “They did” Amy said from beside me as she walked over to Zoe gently taking Zoe’s face in her hand to inspect her lip. Amy always took a mothering roll with Zoe and me, if one of us was hurt mother hen Amy was there.

             “What happened that they started being like this?” I asked pissed off. I have always been there to shield them a bit but its like the second I leave the bully’s get worse. I can tell the other boys are up set by what has happened.

             “I don’t know, but we’ll adapt.” Amy told me gently. She knew I was mad and was trying to calm me down.

             “You shouldn’t have to. God this is my fault I left you two, to fend for yourselves.” I said getting fluster. The other four boys’ gave me concerned looks along with Zoe. Amy stood up from Zoe’s side and came over to me.

             “This isn’t your fault Zayn.” She told me ever so gently. “This is their fault, all the kids at school. Your right we shouldn’t have to adapt, but we do and we can.” She said with a gently yet strong tone. I couldn’t help but smile at her for it.

             “I know you can, you two have always been fighters.” I said knowing full well it was true; Zoe more of a quiet one and Amy the one who only took so much before actually fighting.

             “Is that why you through a punch?” Harry asked jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. It worked because we all started laughing.

             “Yup.” Amy chirped happily. “But damn he had a hard face.” Amy joked shaking her hand. I wanted to give her gold meddle for actually punching him.

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