Chapter 23

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Zoe’s POV

            Amy and I had talked knowing Zayn hadn’t been himself lately and decided we would have one of our classic trio days today. We had woken up early to get a few things ready for our day that we have yet to tell Zayn about. “You ready to go kid nap Zayn?” I asked Amy as I finished putting our lunch together in a bag.

            “Yup lets go get him, I texted Trisha and she said all the boys are up and dressed,”(for those who don’t know Trisha is Zayn’s mom) Amy said grabbing her bag of stuff.

            “Okay then lets be going,” I said picking up my bag and heading to the door. We walked over to Zayn’s house quietly going in the front door. We fallowed the noise the boys down stairs, waving at Trisha as we walked by the kitchen. When we got down stairs the boy’s were beating on Niall with pillows for some reason. Harry was the fist to notice us here and I’m guessing it had something to do with Amy being here. Zayn was the next to notice but he didn’t find it strange for us to show up out of the blue.

            “Hey you two want to help us beat Niall for eating the last cookie?” Zayn asked hitting Niall with the pillow again. Amy and I looked at each other before laughing. With out saying anything we both ran to either side of Zayn taking and arm and dragging him away from the others. By this point Zayn did find this strange. “What are you two up to?” He asked trying to free his hands.

            “Kid napping you those four can fend for them selves for the day,” I said still pulling on him. This only seemed to confuse him more. The other four boys laughed at the seen playing out in front of them.

            “But they don’t know the place what will they do all day?” Zayn said fighting our pull. I have to say he has gotten stronger, before he wouldn’t have been able to stop us but now we were having trouble moving him an inch.

            “They’ll been fine wont you boys?” Amy asked but more so told them. She gave Harry a look asking for help with this. We both knew Zayn wouldn’t want to leave unless they agreed.

            “Of cores we will go have fun besides you don’t have a chose they’re kidnapping you,” Harry said coming to our rescues. Damn Amy has that boy rapped around her finger. Zayn chuckled and gave in letting us lead him up the stairs and out the door. We pulled him back to my house where Amy’s and my bikes waited along with Zayn’s skateboard.

            “Where are we going,” Zayn asked once we let him go picking up his skateboard. Amy and I shared a look before getting on our bikes and heading out ignoring his question. “Guys wait that’s not fair,” Zayn called as I heard the familiar click of his skateboard wheals hitting the pavement as he rode after us.

Zayn’s POV

            Zo and Am’s still wouldn’t tell me where we were going, but by now I had narrowed it down to a few places that we used to always hang out. “Guys what are we doing?” I asked for the fiftieth time. Amy looked over at me and smirked.

            “Wouldn’t you like to know?” she said before she turned to look where she was going. I would actually I thought to myself as I pushed myself along on my board.

            “Can you tell me what we will be doing today then not where but what?” I asked hoping for something even if it was small. The girls shared a look before nodding to each other.

            “We are reminding you of what you have,” Zoe said with a smile.

             “Who you are and where you come from,” Amy finished for her as they kept going. Now I was really confused, but I knew that’s how it would stay because these two didn’t want me to know what was going on. I would find out when they wanted me to and not a second sooner.  We apparently were almost to our destination because the girls turned a corner and hopped off their bikes. Well I knew where we were going now; they girls had brought me to the tree we used to always hang out in. this is the tree Amy broke an arm leg and wrist in all from different falls, and were Zoe had almost broke ribs and I had my first fight and almost pasted out had Zoe and Amy not jumped in. The guys at school might thickheaded ass holes but they know better then to hit a girl.

            “So do I get to know what we are doing yet or are we just going to sit in the tree and hope Amy doesn’t fall?” I asked teasing Amy in the process. Amy stuck her tongue out at me before looking to Zoe who was laughing at my joke about Amy.

            “Oh no he figured it out,” Zoe said with a giggle. “Even the part about hoping you don’t fall,” Zoe said to Amy who only pouted sticking out her tongue at Zoe this time causing me to chuckle. I guess Amy was tiered of being laughed at because she grabbed a low branch and swung her leg over pulling herself up and continued climbing. “Your turn,” Zoe said to me pointing to the tree. I sighed and started up the tree. I’ve never been the best climber, never as nimble as the girls. I am how ever the only one of us who hasn’t fallen. I headed up the tree sitting in a fork just under Amy’s branch.

            “So are you done teasing me?” Amy said still pouting. I knew she was kidding but I still felt bad.

            “I’m sorry sweet pea, “ I said squeezing her knee. She playfully glared at me. “Will you ever forgive me?” I asked in an over execratively. She rolled her eyes at but smiled in the end.

            “Fine but only if you promise to eat the Peanut butter and jam sandwiches I worked so hard on,” she said passing me a paper bag. When I pulled out the sandwich it was just like when we were younger even the crust was cut off.

            “You two are amazing you know that,” I said smiling at my two best friends, at my girls. Amy smiled and reached to hand me a water bottle, but ended up shrieking as she slipped from her branch falling to the ground. I was glad she didn’t hit any branches on the way down but the yelp of pain let out when she landed was all I needed to know she was hurt. Zoe and I were on the ground faster then I knew possible. “Amy are you okay what hurts?” I asked as she slowly sat up coughing a bit having been winded by the land.

             “You didn’t hope hard enough,” she said once she had her breath back. Zoe and I both gave her a questioning look. “I thought we were hoping I wouldn’t fall,” she said with a small smile. I couldn’t help but chuckle.  “I think I broke my arm again,” she said after looking at her arm that was turning bright blues and purples.

             “Yea lest get you home so they can take you to get a cast,” I said helping her up being carful nothing else was hurt, but everything else seemed to be fine. She even managed to bike okay we went slower but other then that she was able to bike.

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