Chapter 14

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Liam’s POV

              We were all laughing at how Amy punched what ever the jerks name was. All I could think about was were my hand rested on Zoe’s knee, how she was gently holding my arm and how our legs rested agents each other. It was like I was fully aware of every inch of me that was touching her, but I wanted more, I don’t mean sex I just want her closer. I shifted my wait so our shoulders brushed too, I smiled when she leaned agents me more.

              We were all sitting around talking about nothing, but still my mind was on the Angelic blond sitting beside me. We have been talking for over and hour now and I guess its starting to wear down on Zoe. She yond and lay her head on my shoulder, I smiled down at her receiving one in return. I looked to make sure every one was distracted in the conversation before kissing the top of her head. Right after doing so I froze realizing that maybe she just wanted to be friends and me doing that would just make things awkward. I sat there waiting for her to react in whatever way hoping it would be good. After only milliseconds she cuddled into me more but I got to say those few milliseconds felt like years.


              I have no idea how we managed to simply  sit here talking for this long it had got here just after lunch and it was already getting dark out. Harry is sitting beside me on the couch with Zoe on the other side of me, Louis and Niall are on the other couch a little more spread out and Amy is on the floor with Zayn. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that they aren’t together the way they act, but they say they aren’t and Zoe does to so I have to believe it.

              Zoe nudged my shoulder back hinting for me to lean back. Me being the love struck boy I am I listened leaning agents the back of the couch as Zoe leaded back agents me. My hand that had been on her knee slid up a bit, simply because my arm wasn’t long enough. I went to move my hand onto my own leg so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable but her grip on my arm tightened to stop me.

  Louis’s POV

              I was sitting on the couch with Niall talking to everyone but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Zoe, but I also couldn’t help but notice how close her and Liam are being. He leaned back pulling her with him, his hand that had been on her knee slid up to her mid thigh. I don’t know exactly why but my hands made fists at my side.

              “What’s wrong man?” Niall asked me quietly. I couldn’t tell him, not here not now.

              I shock my head to clear it. “Its nothing I’m good,” I said loosening my hands and giving him a smile to reassure him. I guess it worked or he decided to drop it because he went back to the other conversation.

              After Niall had noticed me being tens I was more carful to hide how I was feeling. I don’t think I have ever felt so out of it with this group of people before. I guess it was like I was alone even though there are six other people here, I still feel alone.

             After sitting there for a few minutes watching Liam and Zoe a bit more. I couldn’t stand watching them, I wanted to be in Liam’s place I wanted to be the one holding Zoe. In that moment I realize I don’t just want to be the one holding her, I want to be the one she runs to, the one who is always on her mind. I don’t want to just be a friend to her, I want to be more.

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