Chapter 28

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Amy’s POV

I woke up with a groan. Why did I have to climb that damn tree? I rolled to the side seeing as my back was the worst brued. I was shocked when I found Harry beside me. He looked to still be sleeping quite soundly curled up next to me his curls laying messly in his face. I carefully brushed them to the side. I slowly got up, partly so I wouldn’t wake him and partly because I was too sore to move much faster. I hate jeans in the first place but sleeping in them was just not comfy. I guess Harry had just put me in bed when we got home though. I went over to my dresser finding some actual pajama bottoms sliding off my jeans and pulling on my comfy bottoms. “Was I not supposed to be awake for that?” Harry mumbled from the bed only looking half awake. I turned a little red,I had thought he was sound asleep when I changed I would have went to the bathroom if I knew he was awake.

“Um no you weren’t I thought you were sleeping,” I said coming back over to him.

“Yea when you moved my hair I kind of became aware, I didn’t mean to watch,” he looked like he felt bad for watching without me knowing.

“Its fine Has sorry for waking you though, its still early if you want to go back to sleep the suns not even up yet,” I said giving him a little smile finding his bit of guilt quite sweet.

“Are you going to sleep some more?” he asked and I could tell he was trying to stay awake. I layed down beside him fully.

“Yea maybe, but um do you know if they gave me any painkillers?” I said again rolling to my side so my back doesn’t hurt as much,

“Oh um yea on your bedside table,” after he said it, it was like a light went on and he realized it hurt me to move. He quickly got up grabbing the bottle for ma and the glass of water. “There you go,” he said handing me the bottle.

“Thanks Haz,” I took two pills before laying back down. “So not that I mind having you stay the night just us in my room but how did you get my parents to let that happen?” I asked as he got back into bed with me.

“Oh well everyone else is down stairs but everyone agreed that you should be in an actual bed so when I carried you up you wouldn’t let go so you mom said I could just stay with you,” he explained scooting closer to me.

“And my dad went for that?” I was shocked if it was Zayn maybe, but my parents don’t even like him staying the night. Let alone a new boy they barely know.

“Not at first but your mom pointed out that you are to hurt for us to do anything and then he agreed that it was okay for tonight,” that made more sense. It was true, it hurt to take big breaths let roll around in bed with a boy if you know what I mean. “I was scared to hold you thinking I might hurt you,” Harry said looking a little embarrassed.

“You can hold meHaz just keep your arm around my waist not my ribs,” when I said it he went to hold me but I still ended up having to place his arms for him not to be scared. “Do you know what else I can do without extra pain?” He looked down to me telling me to go on. “this” I leaned my head up and gently press my lips to his. It wasn’t heated like in the laundry room, but it was gentle and sweet.

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