Chapter 22

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Niall’s POV

            I have to say I was a little shocked at what I had just walked in on. I know Harry had told us he and Amy were officially together which had left me feeling a little empty, but like I said that was last night. This is why when I had walked in on them making out like they were it had really hurt, well after I got over the shock of how… fast they seemed to be moving. I had saw Harry’s jealousy at seeing Amy sleeping with Zayn. I can’t say I blame him though I’m not with her and I felt jealous. I wanted to check and make sure Harry wasn’t yelling at her. I knew she had seen his hurt when he saw them by the worry on her face and the way she ran after him. I think Louis and Liam were shocked at what they saw too, though after Zoe didn’t react we had all gotten confused tell her and Zayn explained that it was normal. I noticed Liam and Louis got jealous when they learnt Zoe was usually on the other side of Zayn. I guess the four of us will just have to get used to how close they are. I can do that I just wish she hadn’t gotten so close to Harry so fast, and I was wishing that before I had walked in on them snogging. When we had found that Noah guy she had turned to run but ended up running to me and had sunk into me. I had held her well Harry punched the jerk. I guess she liked the guys who defend then comfort. I had wanted to hit the guy to, but I wanted to hold her more when I had seen the hurt in her eyes. Maybe if I had just asked her out before Harry that would have been me kissing her. Who am I kidding I’ll never have a chance with her no matter what she’ll either go with Harry or Zayn.

             After I had told the others about what I walked in on I knew they would teas Amy and Harry, but I don’t think Zayn was very happy about the hole idea of Harry snogging one of his best friends. Zayn was protective of both girls as much as Louis was of his younger sisters. He cared about the two equally, but in two different ways. I almost laughed at the look Zayn gave Harry when he and Amy came into the living room. Harry gulped and shifted a little away from Amy, but he still seemed to refuse to drop her hand. The others were teasing them as I expected, Zayn still didn’t look pleased though. I think both Amy and Zoe had noticed Zayn’s feelings because they were both looking at him a little worried.

 Zayn’s POV

             That’s it I can’t sit hear listening to the guys tease Harry about the apparent hard core make out he and Amy had. I get that they’re together now, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to be protective of her. This was easier before I was in a band. Now not only am I not around as much but when I am I bring four other guys who both Amy and Zoe seem to like. I got up heading to Amy’s kitchen gently tapping her arm as I walked by hoping she would get that I want to talk. I smiled when I heard her light footsteps behind me. I should never have doubted that she would understand. “You okay you seemed stressed in there?” she said gently leaning agents the counter.

             “No I’m not okay Niall told us what you and Harry were doing and lets just say he didn’t leave out details,” I had to make an effort to keep my voice down so the others wouldn’t hear from the living room.

            “It wasn’t intentional and even if it was it’s not exactly your business,” she said sounding a little annoyed with how I was acting.

             “Yours and Zoe’s wellbeing is my business Amy and I’m sorry if I’m not okay with you getting man handled by Harry,” I said getting a little louder. I’m really hoping the others are to distracted to hear us because knowing how we fight this is only going to get louder.

             “Man handling? Really is that what you want to call? Generally that’s if I don’t like it Zayn,” I knew she added the part about liking it to bug me, and it worked better then I would like to admit. I wasn’t going to say something I would regret like I did last night though no matter how mad I was. I took a deep breath before saying the first words that came to me.

             “Amy please just be careful,” I finally said not wanting to fight with her. I’ve always hated fighting with Amy, we may have fought a lot, but I always hated it. “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” I told her leaning agents the island across from her.

             “Zayn I won’t, trust me I learnt the hard way and I don’t want to go through that again,” she whispered the last part taking a step towards me. I know what Noah had done had hurt her a lot and I think that’s partly why I’m so worried. I don’t think Harry would do that, but I don’t want to risk her getting hurt.

             “I know you don’t Am’s,” I said gently cupping one of her cheeks in my hand. She closed her eye’s leaning into it. “No matter what though you know I’m here for you? You and Zoe,” I think I more wanted her to say yes so I would know I wasn’t loosing my two best friends to ‘the new boys in town’.

             “Of cores we know that Zayn if it weren’t for that we wouldn’t be the trouble making trio,” she said with a small smile. I smiled back glad to know even with her dating Harry I still had both my girls. Now I just need to make sure I’m not loosing Zoe to Liam or Louis, who both seemed to have a thing for her. I think she may have a soft spot for Liam too if not both of them. Maybe I should have stayed home from the X factor that day then I wouldn’t have to worry about this.

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