Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

             We had been at Zayn’s for three days now. I had planed to ask Amy out right away, but the first day we had a run in with some of their bully’s. I could have done it yesterday, but it just didn’t feel right after what had happened with that Noah guy. Oh who am I kidding I was too much of a pussy, but today I would ask. In fact I would do it as soon as I could the second her and I can get away from everyone else. Right now we are all in the kitchen eating the pancakes Patricia made us. We had all slept tell in tell noon. I found it strange that Zayn, Zoe and Amy’s parents were all fine with the girls staying with us. I know had it been at my house me mum would have at least put the girls in a different room. Though I can’t say I minded it. Last night Amy had slept between me and Zayn, and I woke up to her curled into me and my arms around her waist I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. “What’s that cheeky grin for mister?” Amy’s is teasing yet some how sweet voice. I could feel my cheeks start to redden.

             “I ah um…” I stuttered, as my cheeks got even redder. I didn’t get it; I can always had a smart come back. I have been told that I’m a smooth talker when it comes to girls, but something about Amy just made my tongue get all twisted.

             “Awe look he’s turning red” She cooed playfully well poking my cheek. Most of the time if someone were to do that I would get upset, but somehow I liked when she did it. Now saying that did not mean I was going to let her get away with it.

             “I bet I could tickle you tell your red” I threatened with a smirk. She looked at me with the same smirk.

             “You’ll have to catch me first” she said sticking out her tongue before running away. I could feel everyone else watching us but I could care less. I caught Louis smirking at me as I got up to go after her; he’s the only one I told about how I feel. I ran after Amy but didn’t have to go far seeing as we were indoors. I had her on one side of the coffee table and me on the other, I knew if I went one way she would go the other so I did the only thing I could, I went over. Amy let out a little cry of shock as I tackled her down pining her on the couch with a leg on either side of her waist and her arms pined. She gave me a fake scared look before I started to tickle her sides. She giggled and scrunched up her nose, I loved when she did that I always want to kiss her nose. I leaned forwards about to do just that, but was stopped when Amy shrieked again. “Harry stop please I can’t breath.” She pleaded sounding out of breath. I bent down so my mouth was just by her ear.

             “Only if you agree to go for diner with me” I whispered. My lip brushed her ear slightly causing her to shiver.  I looked down and her to find her cheeks a light cinnamon causing me to smile. I think if it weren’t for the rest of the group watching us I would have kissed her.

             “Get off me you fool” she smirked at me. That wasn’t the answer I had been hoping for but I listened standing up. I reached my hand down to pull her up. “So where are you taking me for supper?” She whispered when she was up right. I think I’m smiling like an idiot at the moment. I was so scared she was just going to pretend she hadn’t heard or said no. I don’t know which one would be worse.

             “Where ever you like,” I said still smiling ear to ear. I looked to the others I think they all figured out what was going on. Liam and Louis were smiling at me Zoe was shaking her head and laughing, Niall looked a little sad I felt a little bad because I knew he had a thing for her to. It was Zayn who worried me most, he gave me a worried look before turning to Amy. I didn’t like how he looked at her. He had told all of us many times over that both Zoe and Amy were just friends, like sisters to him. I couldn’t help think; if that’s the case then why is he looking at her as if he want her to be his? He can’t have a thing for her because if he does then I have no chance in hell.

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