a mess

718 17 11

where hyebin's sick on the day of an award's show, and momoland has absolutely no idea what to do.



"jooe! can you fetch me that loaf of bread on the kitchen counter?"

"lazy-ass yoda, get it yourself!"

daisy rolled her eyes. "c'mon!"

"ya, you're the one who needs it, you're the one who should get it!"

"aigoo." hyebin massaged her temple as she walked pass jooe who was just beside the kitchen counter, and got the loaf of bread to give to daisy who was sitting on the couch, engrossed in watching netflix.

"here you go, yoda."

"thanks hyeb--ya! why are you here?!" daisy stopped midsentence to check up on their sick leader. daisy and nancy knows that she's sick so they were adamant on making her rest or get some sleep so that hopefully she'll be better by tomorrow.

hyebin shook her head and smiled weakly. "i can't sleep."

"ya, unnie, are you sick?" nayun asked worriedly. she stood up and attached the back of her hand on hyebin's slender neck to check her temperature. 

"yes, she is, nayun-unnie. i told her specifically not to stand up from her bed unless she's stretching."

"your ankle hurts too right? you slipped on that one event, didn't you?" yeonwoo asked with a tint of worry in her voice. hyebin's heart warmed at the concern all her members are showing, but it just couldn't make things better.

"my ankle's alright--"

"she's as high as 39 degrees, like 10 minutes ago." nancy interrupted hyebin in a strict tone while eyeing the leader who was now smiling--weakly--sheepishly. "i told you, didn't i? if you want to get better, get some rest!"

"but i can't."

"and why is that?"

"there's an award's show tonight..." hyebin sighed. "i'm restless and panicky, the 8 of you will go there without a leader. a group attending an award's show without a leader, totally uncalled for!"

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