Adam Henrique

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You woke up with a start and darkness filled your vision. You were dreaming that you were swimming at the beach somewhere sunny and hot but then something had clamped down on your leg, leading to you waking up. The dirt underneath you was cold and the trees above you blocked out the moon's light, a complete contrast to your dream.

Disoriented and confused,  you sat up and realized where you were, not far from a cliff you were hiking on earlier in the day. The cliff had to be at least 20 feet above you but your belongings were scattered all over the floor around you.

Your phone, it was a hundred percent charged when you started hiking, it was bound to still be full. Disregarding the sting in your leg -you thought it was a side effect of your dream- you crawled towards your headphones and armband, which held your phone.

First it was 9-1-1 because you had no clue where you were and you didn't want to risk suddenly losing cellphone service. Then it was Adam. Oh Adam, he was probably freaking out by now, you had left around 7 AM before he woke up for practice and you had plans on going out for dinner.

"Y/N, where are you? Everyone has been worried sick, have been worried sick."

"I-I-I fell, I think," You took in a shaky breath, "and my leg really hurts, Adam I'm scared." The adrenaline had worn off, now you were in pain, cold and heavily confused.

"Tell me what is wrong with your leg baby, just keep talking to me until the paramedics gets there." You could hear his stress through the phone and your mom on a skype call in the background asking what was going on.

"It looks b-br-broken, Adam it hurts so much." A sob left your mouth before you could stop it. "I just want you here, I should've never left, I should've stayed in bed with you."

Sometime between your crying and Adam's consoling words, a car had pulled up. A car with colored lights. "Ms. L/N! Anaheim County Paramedics, can you hear us?!" A man was shouting down the cliff you fell off of.

"Down here!" You shouted, and Adam's relieved sigh came through the phone.

"See, you're okay, I will meet you at the hospital, babe. I will be there before they even roll you in."


"She had extreme heat exhaustion and a severe concussion, her leg, her left leg to be exact, had a clean break-"

"She mentioned that on the phone, that it looked broken." That was Adam.

"Well, with the amount of pain she was in, my entire team and I were surprised she was concious at all." A doctor. "All of her belongings are in the cabniet, her top we were able to remove without cutting through it but her leggings, due to her leg, we ended up having to cut through them."

"Were they red?" Adam again, you knew where this was going.

"Yes sir."

"Oh no."  You groaned with your eyes still closed, "Those were my favorite."

Both head snapped in you direction, visibly shook that you were even awake so soon after surgery. "Y/N. Thank god."

It was dark in the room, probably so it wouldn't irritate your headache but you couldn't focus on that. It was the fact that Adam, the man you loved was by your side.

"Hey, hey, hey," Adam stopped you from trying to sit up, instead he lifted the back of the bed with the remote. "How are you feeling?"

"I missed you." You didn't answer his question, it seemed like it went through one ear and cane out the other, it was probably the medicine making you loopy.

"I missed you too. How are you feeling?"

"I miss my leggings, Adam, he said they threw away my leggings." Again the question was ignored.

"I can go buy you new-"

"Fabletics, you have to buy them from their website." You interrupted him, then remembered his question, "I feel like a fucking champ. Woot! Woot!" You tried to move your arm in a fist pumping motion but a shot of pain shot up your arm seemed to sober you up.

"Ow," you muttered to yourself and showed Adam your new bruise.

He was smiling widely at you, the type of smile that usually melted your insides and made you all warm and fuzzy. But your chin started to tremble and it disappeared quickly.

You burst into tears the moment his smile disappeared. "It hurts, Adam."

Adam scrambled to stop your tears, craddling your head in his chest and rocking you back and forth seemed to do the trick. "I know, I know." You both stayed there holding each other in silence. 

Adam finally figured out what he wanted to say, "You scared the crap out of me, you know that right?"

You huffed a bit, and then sniffled so you don't get any snot on his shirt, "I scared myself dummy."


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