Rob McCalnahan

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requested by neverstopdreaming95

Every day after class you would go get coffee and walk, and you would walk for miles and miles, and then some how return to campus in one piece. Today was different, you were tired and your usual walking buddy -your boyfriend Rob- was missing when you got to the cafe. 

You knew something was wrong because he doesn't have any morning classes, just morning practice, and sometimes a game. You mind reels back to the schedule taped to your dorm wall, and you remember that his next game is in two days. Something must of went wrong at practice and his mind was probably somewhere else. 

You order his coffee and pick up a cup of some fancy tea for you, and head off in the direction of the Marinucci Arena on campus. You keep the warm drinks close to your body because the falling snow was not only going to cool them down but your sweater and jeans were doing close to nothing to keep you warm.

The walk there took less than five minutes, and slowly but surely, you got to the doors of the arena and the noise of pucks hitting the boards greet you. The many steps leading down to the ice weren't the problem, getting your man off the ice, that is the real problem. 

You waited on the home bench for Rob to notice you, it never came. The snow boots you had on were no match for the ice, but you took your chances anyways, loving the sound of the shredded ice crunching underneath your feet. 

You were broken out of you moment of euphoria by a puck hitting the board right next to your leg, barely missing the calf. "Oh my- I am so sorry, Y/N I didn't know it was you, I swear I never would hit you." He checks you once more for any injuries, and then he realizes your still standing, "I'm sorry I forgot I had to meet up with you."

Rob thought you were his coach, he has been bothering Rob to get off the ice since practice ended but he wanted to perfect his skills. "Hey, how are you?" You ignore his frantic attitude, a warm feeling washing over you when you realized, he cared, like actually cared. 

His arm wrapped around your waist, dipping down to peck your cheek, "I've been better, seen better days." He kisses you again after you handed his coffee to him. "I kept missing top shelf today in practice, and its bugging me, and I haven't made it since."

You knew what was going on in his head, he was stressed out because his tests were coming up, and the season was hitting the second half soon. It didn't help that his teammates were probably egging him on. 

You lift one leg over the boards, one leg on each side of the shorter barrier. "Sit with me." You pat the space in front of you, and Rob copies your movements, careful not to let the blade of his skate get you. "You just need a breather, not focus on it and then try again."

"I am only focused on one thing in this arena anyways." He looks up at you with a sly smile and lifts his coffee mug, "Gotta love me some coffee." He lets out a loud laugh at your surprised face, and then starts pouting when you pout. "I'm joking, I'm joking." He tries to land a kiss on your lips but you shove him away from you. 

You're laughing now because he fell backwards, his coffee spilling all over the bench, and he rolls over onto the ice. "You're just a bully," He comments, "In all seriousness, I love you." He picks himself off the floor and bends down yet again to give you a kiss. "But I have to get back to this." He lifts his stick to show you what he was referring to.

"I love you too." You answer back just as he takes a shot at the net. You watch as it goes into the top right corner, barely missing the crossbar. Your hands go up in celebrations, and Rob's excited yell echoes throughout the empty arena.

He tried again, and made it. Again, a third time, fourth, fifth, he made it each time, and he was over the roof about it. 

In the end he came over and hugged you tightly, "My lucky charm."

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