Nathan Mackinnon

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requested by kardelisa9022 


You were bouncing in place outside of your home, waiting for the moving truck with all your stuff to roll in. You flew in two days ago, to get the cabin ready, while your boyfriend volunteered to drive the truck down with your bother.  

The cold weather has started to roll into Colorado, and you had made the stupid decision of packing a bunch of summer clothes, you were lucky enough to find the leggings you were in now. But in your defense it was still mid-August, so you figured that it'd still be decently warm.

The orange front of the UHAUL truck pulled into the drive, you nearly screamed.

The two boys looked miserable, given they had been driving for a good six hours since they left their last motel. Ditching your flip-flops, you ran up to the two and tried, but ultimately failed to wrap your arms around both of them. 

You hugged your brother first, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and then gave a longer hug to Nathan, and gave him a peck on his lips. "Your lips are blue, and you're shivering. Let's get you inside." He said noticing these things quickly, because he hasn't seen you in a week. 

"How long have you been waiting outside?" Your brother asks, while going straight to the freshly stocked fridge. 

"Almost half an hour, when you said that you were turning into my street. Its not like I knew you were talking about the street two cities away." Nathan let out a laugh, before throwing his duffel bag on the floor. 

He went rummaging through it before handing you one of his sweatshirts. "Put this on, and then we will start unloading your stuff."

Box after box came rolling into the house, filling the front foyer and your kitchen. It was almost midnight by the time you were finished bringing your boxes -basically your whole life- into the house.

Your brother went straight to his room, while you and Nathan relaxed on the couch, hugging each other while watching some late night reruns of NCIS: Los Angeles. 

"How does it feel knowing I'm only an hour drive away?" You looked up at Nathan from where your head was resting on his chest. 

He looks down at you and give you a kiss, "Opposed to the ten hour flight that used to be between us? I can't complain."

"I'll be honest with you, I tried looking for a training facility and sponsor in Denver, but they were all really expensive and they didn't give me money to move my stuff and buy a house or rent an apartment." You told him, hoping that you didn't sound insensitive to him. 

"You could've moved in with me, but I wouldn't know where to put your brother." He leans his head to rest onto of yours. "I don't care, honestly this is a much better choice for you. You get a house instead of a tiny little apartment and I saw that car they gifted you with in the garage. I'm actually little jealous."

Burton and DC -the two sponsorships you were offered here in Vail- had teamed up and bought you a car. That was the one thing you didn't have covered when you moved here and they took care of it for you. 

"I love you, you know that?" 

"Yeah, I know."


It was around three in the morning when you woke up from the unplanned nap you and Nathan had taken. You warmed up milk and finished it in a couple gulps. All you wanted to do was go back to sleep but you weren't tired, you had a whole bunch of energy. 

While you were making yourself some tea -after digging through a whole bunch of boxes for a mug- you stared at the ground filled with different sized cardboard and then at Nathan. If I unpacked, would he wake up? you thought to yourself. 

You didn't really care anymore, you were bored out of your mind just sitting and sipping at the tea. So you went straight towards the box labeled SNOW GEAR, the curved tip of one of your many snowboards was sticking out of the flap. 

You took your lucky board out of the stack and leaned it against the wall next to the door, the rest went in the coat closet next to the front door. Next to your lucky board you put a pair of boots, and hung up a parka on the hooks above, along with a pair of goggles and a helmet. You shoved the extras in the coat closet with the other boards. 

You made a pathway from the front door to the empty wall behind your couch. Box after box was emptied and put in place. The sun just peaking into the window when you got to the box filled with awards. 

You had them all scattered around you when there was a grunt on the sofa and then a large thud. You stood up to peek over the edge, and Nathan was groaning on the floor holding his hand over his eyes. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty." You mused, a coy smile on your lips as you went to nail a hook into the wall to hang a frame with your Sochi number and nameplate. 

"God, Y/N, what are you doing awake? It's like the crack of dawn right now." Nathan said, barely lifting his head to look out the sliding window to the backyard. He saw all the purple and red hues and let his head fall back onto the carpet with another large thud. 

You ignore him, before hanging up one of Nathan's framed jerseys. You step back and admired your handy work before answering him, "I couldn't sleep, so I worked."

"Where did you get those?" You weren't expecting his voice to be behind you, so you jumped, and his arms made their way around your waist. He was staring at his world championship jersey and his old Avalanche jersey that you had just hung up. 

"Your mom gave them to me, she said she had too much of your stuff hanging up around the house." You both were staring at your wall that was filled with various awards from the both of you. Before Nathan had bought all the boxes, you put up a couple shelves to put a bunch of trophies on, and you were proud of him and yourself. 

You and Nathan were comfortable, him hugging you and you leaning back in his arms. The silence was warming, and was enveloping the two of you in its arms. There was the soft padding of feet that broke the silence and then a loud obnoxious yawn, your brother had woken up and was insistent on being annoying, 

"Look at you two all accomplished and everything." 

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