Duncan Keith

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requested by alizeefe i hope you like it 

You met each other at an All Star game, believe it or not. It was way before he was in the NHL, you were two five year old magically sitting next to each other, wearing rival team and player jerseys. 

You remember it vividly, his curly brown hair held back by a snap-back, and he finally noticed you when you both shouted at a referee at the same time. You had said, "Jinx, you owe me a soda." Before he did and then he started arguing with you. In the end, he did show up towards the end of the event with two Sprites in his hand. 

Now, over 20 years later, a couple hours before that same event, he sits on the bench in front of you, while you are balancing on the short barrier that separates the players from the ice. Both of you waiting for the memorable event to start. 

"Remember when we came the second time, we were ten and you were sitting in the row in front of me?" He asks while scooting forward and resting his hands on your hips.

"You accidentally spilt your dad's beer all over me, that is what I remember." You say and he raises his hands in defense, as he continues to deny that he did it on purpose. "I made you buy me a new beanie because the white was stained a piss yellow." 

He lets out a loud laugh, his head thrown back, "And then when we left, your dad was driving next to mine on the highway. You were making faces at me. That is the say we realized that you lived down the street from me." Duncan was smiling fondly at you, "I was surprised that I never noticed someone so beautiful lived on my street." 

The blush was a given now, Keith had a way with words, even when you were children. He pulls you off the boards and onto his lap, the stories behind this game could go on forever and he loves reminiscing with you. "You were the first person I went to when Michigan, you went to college there because of me but you transferred junior year because I got moved up to Kelowna. I proposed in 2010 at the Olympics, and we got married just before the 2011 All-Star game, after we won our first Stanley Cup."

"And now our son is here, this is our first game as a family. This game is like a tradition now, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the All Star game." Colton was running the back halls with PK, someone who adored him as much as he adored them.

"If it weren't for me spilling the drink on you we wouldn't be here."

"I like my version better."


I had this written in a notebook for two weeks now but i literally have no time anymore, I'm sorry its so late. I literally have a 58 in Physics... kill meeeeeeeee.


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