Sidney Crosby

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ITS NOT A REQUEST BUT I LAVA HIM SO MUCH I CANT PUT IT INTO WORDS. here is a couple gifs bc i couldn't decide what to put up there ^^

 here is a couple gifs bc i couldn't decide what to put up there ^^

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i swear there is an actual imagine coming up 

i swear there is an actual imagine coming up 

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but look at this bean i mean 

how could you NOT LOVE HIM I MEAN 

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how could you NOT LOVE HIM I MEAN 

how could you NOT LOVE HIM I MEAN 

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well it starts now... enjoy :)

Sitting outside of a free wifi cafe, you finally had time to yourself, so you were getting caught up on your favorite TV shows while enjoying the fall weather. The leaves were just turning a different color and all the bugs weren't bothering you, it was perfect.

You go to reach for the hot mug next to your laptop but it wasn't there. You pull out your headphones when you realize that there is a stranger standing there drinking your hot chocolate. "Hey!"

"Mhm, I see the problem here, I think your suffering from a lack of vitamin me."  You should've known that it wasn't a stranger, but your best friend. Sidney stood there with a beanie pulled over his hair, covering his eyebrows and ears and sunglasses covering his eyes.

He waits until you roll your eyes before he picks up the fruit you had on the table. "You must be a banana because I find you a peeling."

This was a regular occurrence, ever since you were kids, Sidney would always find new pick up lines to greet you with and they are always getting worse. Even though you didn't want to admit it, the were funny and somewhat clever but Sid would never know or he'd tease you more than he does now.

He sat in front of you, eating your banana and drinking your drink, while you continued watching your TV. You got ten more minutes of silence before it was broken again.

"Hey, hey, Y/N..."

You look up from the laptop to see Sidney with a shit eating grin on his face, "If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one."

The tips of your ears were turning red, and a small smile bloomed on your face, "How do you come up with these all of the sudden?" Another thing you didn't want to admit, the crush you had on the Nova Scotian boy, but it was getting harder and harder to hide. Especially with all these pick up lines.

"I do my research before I talk to you, the internet is useful." He says as the waiter brings what he ordered to the table. While he was tearing the panini in half with his teeth, he started talking again, "I've got another one." It was barley understandable, it sounded something like i ef gaz andawa.

"Chew with your mouth closed and don't start talking until you finish with what is in your mouth." You scold him, trying to hide the smile on your face. 

"Okay, you ready?" He rests his hands on the table top, preparing a drum roll, you nod and he finally lets it roll off his tongue. "Are you a volcano because I lava you."

The loud snort passes your lips before an uncontrollable amount of giggles escape. You were laughing so hard that Sidney took the liberty of pausing your episode of Shameless. "You need to stop!" You let out in-between laughs. 

He was staring hard at the Netflix logo on your computer screen, before looking at you with a smirk. 

You knew that look from anywhere, "No- Sidney Patrick- I swear-"

He cut you off with the biggest smile on his face, "Are you Netflix, because I could watch you all day."

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