Jake Virtanen

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requested by hawkeyhotties19  I hope you don't mind but I threw in another player :)

The ringing in your ears wouldn't stop and you turned up the radio even louder than it was before. Reaching over the passengers seat, you pull your phone out of the front pocket of your overnight bag, checking for any messages. You were on your way to Kelowna to visit your brother after your fight with Jake.

He blew things out of proportion -as usual- and started shouting. You were done with it, this was the second time this week -over ten times this month- that he came home pissed off at the world.

    what do you mean you've always wondered what it was like to be a single mom
    Y/N are you pregnant
    please answer
    I'm worried now
    I'm sorry
    I am so sorry

Jake was blowing up your phone, and you couldn't blame him because you ended the fight with such a shocker and then slammed the door in his face.

The four hour drive seemed to go by fast, and in no time the wooded area around you to clear and your brothers house shows. You wait in the car for a couple minutes and stare at your phone, wondering if you should reply to Jake to ease his worries.

i'm fine i just need a break.

Your simple reply seemed to calm him down because the constant flow off messages stopped. You look up at the house in front of you and Angela is waiting there at the front door with your niece in her arms. With the look on her face, she had a motherly edge to her, and it warmed your heart to know that you still had your best friend with you.

"Hey," You say to her, and take the baby out of her arms, "Is Carey here?"

"No." She says simply, a reprimanding look on her face, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

That's all it took for you to break, the tears flowed and all you wanted was for the ground to swallow you whole. After Liv was asleep and you explained the whole predicament, Angela was more aware what was going on. "That's just toxic, I agree that you need a break from each other."

"I'm just afraid he is going to go back to the way he was before the fight, snappy and rude."

Angela nods, "How about this, you stay here for tonight and tomorrow you and I can go out and have a girls day. Nails, hair, whatever. Then we can send you on your way back, but the first thing you have to do is talk to him, that is my only rule."



Even with a new hair cut and acrylic nails, you didn't have the confidence to put you're key into the apartment door. There is movement on the other side, and then a ping of your phone makes it stop. The door swings open and Jake stands there with surprise written on his face.

"Thank you God, you're okay." He pulls you in for a tight hug and shuts the door behind you. "Angela called over an hour ago saying that you should be home and I freaked."

You try to make some room between the two of you, but he wasn't having it. "We need to talk."

"I know but I need to clear something up." He says while leading you over to the couch. You sit down and he kneels in front of you so that he is eye level with your stomach, "Are you really pregnant?"

"I'm only four months along, I only found out last week." You answer him, and you don't let him ask any other questions. "I don't want your attitude around anymore, or we are gone."

He sighs, gently resting his head in your lap, "I know, I didn't realize how much I was taking advantage of you being here, until you were gone. I'm very, very sorry."

A small smile graced your face, it was almost like he was reassuring himself that you were here and healthy, because his hands haven't left your waist since he opened the door. The both of you sit in silence, enjoying the peacefulness between you.

Until Jake decided to break that silence, "Hey, Y/N?" You hum in response, "Why did you just find out? Shouldn't you have noticed earlier, like isn't your period supposed to be gone, and you have morning sicknesses and all that crap."

You laugh, "The doctor said it was a miracle, they thought I had some sort of 'silent' miscarriage because I didn't even know I was pregnant in the first place. I kept taking tests and they came out positive, but they couldn't find the baby in the ultrasounds. We knew that she was there because my bump was suddenly growing but we couldn't see her. Finally, about a week ago, we saw her and the doctor said it was pure luck."

He stares at you for a moment, "You have a baby bump?" He lifts the baggy tshirt you have on and there sits the tiny but round bump on your stomach. "How do you know we're having a girl? Isn't it a bit early for that? We need a bigger place? What if I ever drop her? What if-"

The questions kept rolling off of his tongue and the longer he kept going, the more absurd they got.

"Y/N, this is serious, what if I accidentally introduce her to her future husband?" He runs a hand through his hair, "Oh my God, I'm going to have gray hairs before in thirty- Y/N, stop laughing at me!"

i really, honestly don't know what this is and i have no clue wtf happened to the ending but i hope you enjoyed it :)

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