Patrick Sharp

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You have to admit that you were hesitant to meet his family when you started dating. They were so used to seeing Abby, you thought they were going to be disappointed when they saw you. 

Patrick did all he could to convince you that they'd love you, but here you are standing in front of their door after Patrick picked you up from the airport. "Knock on the door, hun, I can't carry your bags all day." He nudges your back so you could scoot closer to the entrance.

"It's one bag, Patrick." You mutter, pressing the doorbell instead of knocking. In seconds the door is flying open and two blonde heads come barreling towards your legs. 

"Y/N!" Madelyn lifts her hands up so you can pick her up and you don't hesitate. "Look, look! Daddy got me dressed today and he put on boots!" She twists and turns in your arms until you can see her boots. They are mini cowboy boots that you bought her a while back and packed into her bag when they went ahead of you for this trip. 

"I put them on her because I was hoping you knew where she got them from." Patrick pokes your side, and lifts Sadie off the ground, "And how this little one has the same exact pair."

You shrug trying to keep a smile off your face, "Maybe it was a small welcoming gift from the horses we saw last month!" You finished your sentence while laughing your head off because Patrick had put his daughter down and attacked your side with his fingers. 

Madelyn was giggling off the hook, latching onto your neck hoping that you won't drop her.

The laughing family of four didn't notice the his mother standing in the foyer entrance with the biggest smile on her face.

"I've haven't seen him this happy in forever." Her husband mutters while placing his hand on her shoulder. 

"It's good." She says, "I never liked the other one anyways."

i want to continue this but i also want to leave it like this bc it seems so cute

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