|chapter 36|

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Eric POV

I groan reading every article in my office.

Every single one paints her out to be a physcopath but she's not, she's my Sophia but I lost her because of my lies and my stupid words.

I don't know why I said that to her that night but it just came rushing out after I saw her in that guys arms, that Simon she said was like a brother to her.

I rub my eyes, its been 2 week and this news has not died out yet, luckily no one knows its Sophia with a little words and pay from my parts.

Eleanor just ignores the rumors and still stands tall as the duchess she is, am just happy she has not questioned me cause she knows exactly who Sophia is, she saw that dress but says absolutely nothing.

I hear a knock and I slide my phone away from me, come in!!!

Elena walks in closing the door quietly behind her holding a brown envelope close to her chest and taking a seat opposite me.

What do you want now? I groan

You're never happy to see me, she pouts

I am really but anytime you're sneaky, it means you've been snooping around again so what did you do?

Oh nothing much, she slides the brown envelope to me with a frown.

What did you do again? If this is about Sophia-"

Just open it Eric..

I grab the envelope when the door opens and James steps in.

You've got to stop calling me for this secret meetings Elena, he groans placing himself in front of me.

I raise a brow, what is this about?

Just open it, James is only here to talk some sense into you along with me when you see this.

I roll my eyes, not happening am not opening this, I slide it back to her

Then I will, let's get this over and done with, James rolls his eyes tearing up the envelope, photos fall on the table scattering around the table

Uhm, Eric you've got to see these-" he says sliding the photos my way.

I stare down at the photos, its Sophia in a gold dress I've seen before on her on one of our many dates along with a man besides her, another one of her hugging the man

Who is that?

Henry porter, Elena mumbles from her seat going through the files in her hand, he's a reporter-" and she's seeing him now she shrugs, or maybe they have been seeing each other for a long time.

That's a lie!! Soph won't and did not cheat on me.

She shrugs, we'll never know that but right now she's seeing this man, so soon after your break up, she raises a brow, that's oddly suspicious and let's not forget he's a reporter

I stare down at another photo of them at a flower shop as he hands her flowers, and that glowing smile on her face.

So what are these supposed to do to me?

It means, move on Eric!! She clearly did and so quickly!!! Elena shrugs

I roll my eyes, can you just let me be, its not so easy to just move on from the woman you love

You don't love her Eric

I raise a brow suddenly growing angry, who are you to say that? Do you even know what love is Elena?

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