Unexpected Happenings

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Well I'm back with another chapter of this story and I have a feeling this story is gonna be coming to an end very soon but don't cry, I should be making a sequel with how they deal with the kids and all so yeah. Let's go.

[Mitch's PoV 3 months later]

I was playing some battle-dome with Jerome, Ryan(Batman), Rob and Vikk while versing Nooch, Preston, Lachlan, Ty and Adam. So far I had enough Iron for a full set and a half plus 4 diamonds for Jerome and mine's diamond sword. I had seen that in the chat section that Ty fell from a high place and we all laughed at him.

"Big noob." I said out loud and in the chat.

"Oh my god. That must really suck for them. Although knowing Ty who knows how resourceful he is and all." Jerome said which made us all laugh even more. Out of no where, I felt something in my lower abdomen. I tried to ignore the pain for a minute or two but it got so bad that I let out a small scream.

"Mitch? Are you ok?" Jerome asked.

"N-NO!" I managed to get out, grabbing my overgrown stomach. I lokoed back up to the game to see the chat section going off.

I had saw that Adam had typed in the words "Ty is going into labor, we can't stay anymore, we have to get to the hospital now."

Ereryone was sending shocked faces and good lucks when I saw that Jerome had typed, "I think that's exactly whats happening to Mitch right now. I believe we need to get going as well." 

"I think you're right Jerome. We'll see you guys later. Jerome, please come and help me." I said. We logged out of Minecraft and said good-bye to our call and moments later Jerome came into my room and picked me up bridal style. The pain had gone down by now but it was still a lot. Jerome rushed us into the hospital and the lady at the front desk saw my look of pain and my big belly and quickly called doctors over and put us into a room and got me hooked up to some different machines while giving me some medicine to numb some of the pain.

"Well well Mr. Hughes, Mr. Aceti. I see that you've gone into labor. I believe there was someone else who you may know who has gone into labor as well. They go by the name of the Dahlbergs." He said.

"Yes. Those are our friends. We were playing a game with them when they both apparently went into labor." Jerome explained.

"Ah I see. Well, it seems that since of course you can't properly diliver like a woman would, you'll have to get a C-section but we'll have to wait until the baby is ready and in a good position." He said.

"Alright, thank you doctor." Jerome said. He smiled and with a slight wave, he left the room. I heard Jerome's phone buzz and he took it out to read what his text said.

"Hey biggums, I know this'll cheer you up but we won the hunger games and Rob said thank you for the Iron and Diamonds." Jerome said. That made me smile but I didn't say anything. I stared at the ceiling as contractions came every now and then, making me cringed slightly at the discomfort. So this is what it's like for woman huh? Being in labor and having to wait for so long before actually giving birth. This kinda sucks but I know that in less than 24 hours I'll be hlding a healthy baby girl in my hands.

[Time skip 12 hours, Ty's PoV]

It has been 12 hours since I had first gone into labor and that they broke my water. The doctors say that it could be any minute now where I will start pushing the baby out. Adam was holding my hands when the doctor came in again and with a smile and some other nurses. 

"Alright Mr and Mrs.Dahlberg, I believe the baby is ready to be born." He said, putting on some gloves and grabbing and sitting on a chair near my end. The nurses positioned my legs as Adam held my hand and I gave it a tight sqeeze from fear but also excitement.

"Ok. Nurse, are we ready to begin?" He asked.

"Yes doctor. She may start whenever the next contraction is." She said.

"Alright. What I'm gonna need you to do is when I say go, your gonna push, just like you're pooping and put your chin to your chest and hold your breath for 10 seconds. I'm gonna say release, you get a little bit of a break and then we're gonna start all over again. Ready?" He asked.

"T-There's no g-going back now so y-yeah. I-I guess so." I stuttered. 

"Alright. And 3, 2, 1 go." 

I did as I was told. Hold my breath, chin to chest, and the best part was hold Adam's hand and giving it a sqeeze. 

"And release. Alright, that was a good start. Here comes another one, 3, 2, 1 and go." 

I did it all over again, and again, and again which hurt like hell.

[Mitch's PoV]

"Well, looks like your just about close enough. I think it's time we get you into the room and get you ready for birth shall we?" The doctor asked. I had no answer because I didn't want to put up a fight. The unhooked me of some of the things while they rolled my bed to the C-Section room. There was already many doctors with masks and gloves on, preparing the tools they were gonna use to cut me open. The thought scared me as I was tranferred to the other bed. The put some pain killers on me and next thing I knew was that I could feel anything below my neck. 

After sectioning my head from the rest of my body so I couldn't look over and see, Jerome said, "And there they go."

They were already cutting into me. Jerome kept petting my head and telling me things and quick updates on what was going on when all of a sudden, I heard something cry.

"There she is." Jerome said, tears clearly in his eyes. Even though I couldn't see her, I knew tht she would be perfect. I saw something get handed to Jerome as the crying seized. He smiled and bnt down to my eye level.

I was able to see the baby girl that I had been carrying around inside of me for the past 9 months. She was beautiful and just as I would have imagined her. Her eyes were closed and she was so little and so perfect in every way. I felt a tears fall out of my eye and down my cheek. She was the definition of beauty in every single way. The doctors came by and took her away and they explained that they needed to mark her status of when she was born and all of that. I can't wait until the pain killers wear off and I could feel my limbs again to hold her and kiss her little head. 

After they pacthed me up, we went back to the room where I lay in a clean bed while we wait for our little girl. I hope Ty and Adam are having the same luck as us.

[Ty's PoV]

I have been pushing for the last hour or so now and I have really gotten the hang of it.

"Come on Ty, keep going." Adam kept encouraging me with those kind of words.

"Alright. Only a few more and it should be out. I can see the head." The doctor said, reassuring me. I did it a few more times until I felt my stomach go down and I heard some crying.

"You did it Ty. You did it." Adam said as they quickly cut the imbilical cord and wrapped him up in a towel and gave him to me. I was apnting as I held this new life form in my arms. I can't believe it. I actually did it. I went through 9 months or pain and agony and 1 hour of pushing and here I am now, holding my new-born son in my arms. I gave him to Adam and he smiled at our son. The doctors took him away and cleaned me and the bed up.

[Time skip, 2 hours, same PoV]

It was really late at night when the doctors asked us if we wanted to see our son in the nursery. Of course we said yes and we followed him out the door and to the nursery. I saw Mitch and Jerome there as well. I came up next to Mitch and looked into the window, quickly finding him and smiling to myself. 

"Well, we're are proud papas at least." Jerome said. It made us slightly chuckle. I felt Mitch put his arm around my shoulders and I did it to him around his waist. Well, a whole new journey has began for all of us. Now we'll see where the road takes us.

Well. That's it for this chapter and I wrote this all in like a hour or so. That's fast because I dont really have writer's block anymore because I have so many great ideas for how this is going to play out but the next chapter will probably be the last chapter of this story until the sequel and stuff. Anyway, until next time, this is bikergal12 and I will see you guys later! BYE!!! :)

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