Archer's POV

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Archer’s POV (This is rewinding back to the argument J)

I was holding Echo’s younger brother Max on my arm while Teddy cradled Theo. I rubbed his small hand in a rhythmic pattern hoping to calm down his frantic heartbeat. Echo had grabbed Sanchez hand when she tried slapping her across the face earning frightened looks from Sanchez friends. And she when she caught her second hand as well she lent forward and began talking so quietly that only Sanchez could hear. As much as I tried to listen to what she was saying, I couldn’t pick up a single word, but judged by the constant paling in Sanchez face, her words were hitting their target. After two more minutes Echo stepped back and the panic, hurt look in Sanchez eyes was clearly visible behind the unshed tears.

“And we’re all here if you’re willing to change” Echo said in a normal voice again. Echo turned around and took Max and Theo into her arms walking away. Sanchez was staring at her with wide eyes, confusion etched clearly in her face. When her eyes snapped up to meet mine she masked her face with an impassive look and attempted to calmly walk down the hallway but her trembling hands gave her away. One after the other her ‘friends’ scurried after her, mumbling panicked words to each other.  

I turned around to see my equally stunned friends staring at the spot Echo had been moments ago. Eventually Teddy blinked a couple of times and started after Echo, pushing open the door to the girl’s bathroom. The guys and I waited outside in the hallway for Echo to clean up her brothers and when she came out we settled onto the steps outside the school waiting for her mom. All the while I was curious to know what she had said that caused such an effect on Sanchez

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