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"hey, guys ! i'm Gun Atthaphan and today i'm with Off Jumpol. thank you for joining us today !" Gun smiles at the older. Gun had told Off to come to his studio and Off hesitated but agreed. they were now sitting in front of the camera, facing each other. "thank you for having me, if you hadn't i'd be a mess." Off smiles and Gun rolls his eyes but smiles.

"how've you been ?" Off shrugs, "i've been good."

Gun smiles and claps his hands together. "if you guys didn't know, Off, participated in the show. he was in episode... twenty two ?" Gun asks looking behind the camera at Nook for confirmation. "anyway, what happened after that ? have you talked to her ?" Off nods, "we stopped talking for a couple days after we broke up and recently she contacted me." Gun nods but doesn't say anything not knowing if Off wanted to talk about his baby. "she told me she's pregnant and that the child is mine !" Off says biting his nail lightly.

Gun smiles softly and stares at Off. "Nong !" Nook giggles from behind the camera interrupting Gun's daydreaming. "huh ? right, sorry. how did you guys meet ?"

"we met on set." Off smiles fondly and Gun frowns, she hurt Off, he deserves better. "on set ?" Gun asks tilting his head showing his confusion making him look cute. "i'm an actor for GMMTV." Off explains and Gun's eyes widen, "really ?! what have you been in ?"

"i've been in Room Alone and Puppy honey and other series. i'll also be in Theory of Love and Wolf soon !" Off smiles softly and Gun hums, "wait, so you're an actor and soon to be father, how are you so calm ?!" Gun exclaims, "i'm honestly panicking on the inside but i know that whatever happens i'll love that baby with my whole heart." Gun smiles fondly at the older.

"that's so cute !" Gun says clutching his chest tightly causing everyone to laugh, "anyway, P', how did you handle the break up ?" Off scratches the back of his neck and shrugs, he wasn't that affected by it once Jane told him she was pregnant, he only focused on the baby other than some stupid waste of time relationship.

"uh, i was sad at first but then she told me she was pregnant and i decided i wasn't gonna let that dumbass relationship affect me and i wanted to focus on the baby, instead." Off explains and Gun nods. he's glad Off wasn't letting Jane affect his life anymore. "did Jane ever get jealous because you're an actor ?" Gun randomly asks and Off laughs, "yes, actually. in Puppy Honey my character, Pick, had to date a guy named Rome. we didn't really think people would care for us since we weren't the main couple but they did, and our management had us do fan service and Jane would always get mad."

"i'm gonna have to watch that show then." Gun mumbles and Off smiles and nods. "why don't you date N'Gun ?" Nook says from behind the camera and Gun face palms.

"in the future, maybe." Off smiles and Gun hides his face in his hands before jumping out of his seat and running to the camera yelling 'goodbye'.

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Exposing Cheaters- OffGun Where stories live. Discover now