A/N and mini rant

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I don't know if you guys either know or care but recently there were leaked CALUM NUDES! So here's my little rant about it. All I have to say is I know I read smut and all but when I said I wanted to see one of the 5sos boys naked I was kidding. I know I know I should be used to this type of stuff from being that I'v been a fangirl for like ever and being on Tumblr all of the time but you cannot ever ever ever be truly prepared for that ever. Now I know some girls might be turned on but personally for me I think that dicks are really gross looking and aren't the prettiest things in the world and I'm straight but I do not want to see a dick if given a choice, they're not pretty. If you're a guy for some reason, and I'm not judging but, know that it's not pretty, it's not; but this is a situation just I know it should be considered a "normal teenage situation" for whatever reason (I don't even know) but to me it's still weird to think about the fact that he was sending nudes to someone, it kinda freaks me out. Anyways, what do you guys think of this whole situation? Let me know in the comments or in my dms. Oh and I'm working really hard to get some good stuff ready for you guys so be patient please.

xoxo Ella

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