He thinks you died

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A harry imagine for taven

Missing... she's just gone... and the blood is everywhere... where the hell did they take her... I hope it wasn't painful for her... I hope she knew I love her...

Harry's mind was racing. He had just come back from the studio when he saw the main hall of your shared house covered in blood. His mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusion possible,one of his spiteful "fans" was jealous, found his house, and came to kill you. He also believed that they had succeeded.

First thing he did was call Liam, he wasn't sure what else to do because his world had just fallen apart and his chest felt like someone just laid a ton of bricks on top of him. Three rings and he heard Liam's voice coming for the receiver. "Hey Harry, what's up?" Liam asked happily.

"IthinkoneofourfanskidnappedTavenandkilledher." Harry sped through the sentence.

"You think what? Slow down mate."

" I think one of our fans kidnapped Taven and killed her!" Harry yelled slowly.

"Woah, what?!"

"I came home, there was blood everywhere, and Taven was gone but her car was still in the drive way!"

"So why do you think a fan did it?"

"I don't know! Who else would want to take her from me?!"

Liam thought for a moment, then said, "You still live near Louis still, so go over to his place. You shouldn't be alone right now, I'll meet you there and then we'll call the police. Ok?"

"Ok, see you in a few." Harry took a deep breath.

**After driving to Louis'**

"Louis!!" Harry yelled as he knocked. Louis opened the door and lead Harry to the couch, unaware of his plight.

"What's up mate?" He asked, unable to read Harry's facial expressions.

Harry took a deep breath, to keep the tears from flowing like the Niagara falls, "I think a fan of ours kidnapped Taven."

Louis stared at him and started laughing hysterically, "OH MY GOD SERIOUSLY!? MATE, CHECK YOUR TEXTS!!" As Harry checked his cell Taven silently walked into the room and sat next to him, he read:

From Taven:

Hey babe, I'm sorry for the mess at home, I was trying to break a garlic clove with a knife but it angled weird and it cut my wrist. I put the knife in the sink and went over to Louis' since we ran out of large band-aids last week like you really just had to jump from the tree! anyways, ill clean up when i get back, im sorry if i scared you xoxo

When he finished reading, Taven kissed his cheek, "Again, sorry if I scared you, and I'll clean up the mess when we get home."

I hope you guys liked this, keep requesting! - xoxo Gabby

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