How you meet prefrence

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How you meet

**Sorry that Harrys and Nialls are longer**

(y/b/f/n) means your best friends name

(y/l/n) means your last name



You're walking through Magic Kingdom in Disney World Orlando with your best friend and looking at the map planning your day, when you accidentally walk into someone, causing their entire group to stop as well. You look up to apologize and see it's none other than Harry Styles of One Direction. "I-I'm sorry.." you stutter trying to keep your cool but dying on the inside. Harry looks down at you to make eye contact, "No problem, love, don't worry about it. What's your name?" "(y/n)" you manage to say without your eyes bulging out of your face. He turns to your friend "And what's yours, love?" "(y/b/f/n), and no need to tell us who you are we already know!" she replies and you violently elbow her in the ribs and give her the death stare. Harry and the rest of the boys just laugh and Harry turns back to you and asks "would you like to walk around with us since you have a map and we lost ours?" he winks. "Sure!" you chirped knowing full well that he could get a map anywhere. ****************************************************************************************************** At the end of the day he asked for your number after he had gotten to know you and you had gotten to really know him and the rest of the boys. Only a few short minutes after parting he asked you on a second date saying he had considered that your first date of many.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liam: You were chosen to do a four month internship with a band for college. The manager of the band you were interning for had told you he would pick you up at the airport in London when you flew from New York, where you were dorming at college. As soon as you left the terminal in London you were attacked by five people in a massive group hug, once they all were shooed off of you, you saw the face of a man. "Miss (y/l/n)? I'm Paul and I apologize for the behavior of my boys," moving to your side and pointing to each of the five boys you saw standing behind them assuming they're the ones that hugged you, "that's Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn." You waved and they waved back, they came up to you one by one shaking your hand. You saw that Liam had a certain sparkle in his eyes when he introduced himself to you, and within ten minutes of meeting the boys you knew you had a long but sure to be entertaining four months ahead of you.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Louis: You were dragged to the Fray concert by your best friend, during the concert the guy next to you kept glancing at you. By the middle of the concert you turn to him and ask "Why do you keep looking at me?" He replies quickly "I'm sorry I just didn't think I'd be seated next to such a beautiful girl." You blushed and spent the rest of the concert learning about each other and singing along to the music. At the end of the night as everyone was leaving to go home the guy, who you eventually learned was indeed Louis Tomlinson, gave you his number and you did the same. You text each other until you fell asleep and that entire next day, you both knew that it was bound to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Niall: You were on a date at a laid back restaurant with your boyfriend and he was being well, a dick, to say the least. Niall and the other boys were sitting a few tables away and Niall noticed how your boyfriend was behaving, ordering everything for you, making rude and snarky comments to you, and how your boyfriend was flirting with the waitress right in your face. Niall thought you were simply beautiful, and the way that your boyfriend treated you pissed him off but he couldn't do anything. Your boyfriend turned to you and sneered "Why can't you be as hot as our waitress you stupid whore?" On the verge of tears you replied "Well, at least I'm not trying to exchange a diamond for a rock, bye (y/bf/n)" then got up and walked out of the restaurant while letting a few tears slip. Niall noticed and followed you out, he called to you "Wait! He didn't deserve you, you know." You quickly turned to see him right behind you, you whispered "How would you know?" Niall looked straight into your eyes and whispered "Because I know I can treat you better" then leaned in a kissed you. You wanted to pull away at first but noticed that it was full of love and passion, not rough and forceful like your now ex-boyfriends kisses. Bombs were going off inside and when he pulled away he looked into your eyes and wiped away the tears off of your face. "Let me take you home." He said, you nodded, accepting his offer. He gently took your hand leading you to his car. During the car ride to your house you wrote your name and number on a napkin you found in his car, when he dropped you off you left it on the seat making sure he found it. He texted you asking you on a date and of course you said yes, and you knew it was the start of something new (IT FEELS SO RIGHT TO BE HERE WITH YOU OHHH AND NOW LOOKING IN YOUR EYES I FEEL IN MY HEARRRT THE START OF SOMETHING NEW(sorry for my horrible singing)).

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**** If you're not from America pretend you are****

Zayn: You were on a once in a lifetime trip to London, you had never been before, and you were loving every second of it. You were taking a picture of the Big Ben when someone bumped into you making you wobble a bit, they didn't knock into you with enough force to make you fall. When you looked away from your camera you see a guy in his early twenties with midnight black hair styled with hair gel, dazzling chocolate brown eyes, and deeply tanned skin, apologizing in the most gorgeous accent you had ever heard. "I'm so sorry love, I should have been paying attention to where I was going." "It's alright" you replied. "You're not from here are you?" he asked intrigued by your accent which he wasn't expecting, you had dressed trying not to look like a tourist. "No, I'm from America." You stated. He quickly looked you over and looked into your eyes saying "Well, first off I'm Zayn. Second, if you ever need someone to keep you company while you explore this beautiful city, here's my number....." "(y/n)" you informed him quickly. "(y/n). But yes here's my number feel free to use it." He finished, "Nice meeting you." He said as he turned to leave. As he was walking away you quickly whipped out your phone and text him btw I would love for you to show me around ;) xx ~ (y/n) after he read the message he turned around and winked at you before walking away with his group of friends that you hadn't noticed before.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **A/N**

Sorry this took so long to write but with school starting I was looking for inspiration but thank you for waiting. I'm going to start writing the next preference today and if all goes well it will be finished sometime this week if not within the next couple of days. If you have an idea or a request for me my kik is gabriella_elizabeth please feel free to kik me whenever I will always respond as soon as I can if I don't respond instantly I'm probably in class. You can even vent to me if you need to I've been told that i'm like a teenage guidance counselor so feel free to lay it on me and yeah I hope you liked it and if you want you can vote (please it will let me know people are actually reading my stuff) and comment what you think but please no hate though I can take constructive criticism. again thanks so much!!!

xoxo~ Gabby

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