Zayn imagine for Inayah

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Zayn imagine for Inayah

"I'm sorry, I just don't see this going anywhere," Zayn said calmly with a look of evident sadness flooding his eyes. You didn't know how to respond so you sat down totally dumbfounded, he continued "I already packed everything and I'm moving out tonight." Tears started to well up and you fiercely resisted the urge to start bawling because it terrified you to think he was leaving, right before Zayn asked to talk to you, you had taken a pregnancy test. The results should be ready by now...

Zayn stood up to leave, he kissed your forehead, grabbed his suitcase, and left. As he walked to his car, you ran to the bathroom. Positive. You're pregnant with Zayn's child and he wasn't even going to be there. You immediately called your best friend and told her, she promised to help in any way she could. You decide to cut off all possible connections with the boys, Zayn doesn't need to know.

***5 Years Later***

You 4 1/2 year old daughter, Anastasia, was playing at the park. You just sat and watched when all of a sudden you hear a soft familiar voice "Inayah?" you turned around to see the one person you never expected. "May I sit?" Zayn asked.

"Sure, how have you been?" you inquired as Zayn took a seat next to you.

"I'm great, how about you?" the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife but Zayn seemed totally unaware. That is, until Anastasia came running up to you. "CAN YOU PUSH ME ON THE SWINGS MUMMY?!" she begged.

You looked at Zayn, a look of confusion and slight horror covered the once nostalgic look on his face. Then you looked back at Anastasia, "Sure, lets go honey." you replied as you started walking, hand in hand with your daughter, to the swing set. You started pushing her on the swing when Zayn came running over to you. "Is this your daughter?" he interrogated.


"How old is she?"

"Four and a half!" Anastasia yelled from the swing.

"Is she...?"

"Yes," his eyes seemed to bulge straight out of their sockets and jaw dropped to the wood chips that made up the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered with a certain intensity that would have scared you, but you stood your ground.

"You broke up with me and left before I even knew. I didn't think you'd exactly come back, I thought that, if anything, it would push you further away. And because of that I didn't want to have animosity towards you, so whenever she asked I always just said that you left before I knew and that if you had known, you would have come back, but I never really knew if that would be the case." you whispered with the same intensity, unaware that you had stopped pushing Anastasia and that she was standing in between you and Zayn.

"This is my daddy?!" she asked, excitement lighting up her eyes.

Zayn knelt down "Yes, and if your mummy would let me, I would love to be apart of your life. So, Inayah, what do you say? I promise to be the best father I can be, and maybe the best boyfriend."

You thought "Yes," you couldn't let him walk away one more time and have your daughter lose her father and blame you, so you let your guard down once again and let him in.

It paid off, two years later you were married with a baby boy on the way. You two still haven't chosen the name but you know that when the time comes, you'll know.

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