BSM (youre going to college) (Louis Niall and Zayn)

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Hey guys, I'm gonna try writing in first person so tell me what you think and if I should stick with first person or go back to third or alternate. And Im only doing Louis, Niall, and Zayn because I did just harry and liam last time I did a BSM preference.

xoxo ella


"Louis! Come help with this last box and put it in my car please!" I yelled to my brother downstairs, putting tape and my name on the last box of dorm decor. "No! I refuse to help!" he yelled back, ugh. He is so aggravating sometimes. "Well why the fuck not?!" "Because you can't go to college, you're not allowed to go!" hearing this I ran down the steps to find Louis running to, I assume, try and unload my car. I walked over to him, "You're going to be on tour while I'm there and when you get back, I'll be on break. And you're the one paying for a lot of my college tuition, even though I told you not to but whatever." "That doesn't matter, you're still my baby sister and you're not allowed to grow up!" he pointed at me, kind of like he was trying to scold me. "I'm sorry, but it really won't be like anythings changed. And I'll always be you're baby sister, I'll even let you have a chance to scare away guys before mom and dad." I hugged him. "Ok, I feel a little bit better now." he laughed and I let go of his torso. "Good now can you please go get that box for me?" I said, chuckling a bit. "Sure anything for my little sister."


"Niall!" I shouted as my brother walked through the front door. "Hi y/n!" I quickly reached and we hugged each other as if the other would slip out of our grasp if we loosened our grip the slightest bit. "y/n, there's a letter for you." Mom called behind Niall, entering past us. We let go of each other to see the letter was from my dream school. I glanced at Niall and opened the letter.

"Dear y/n,

We have considered your application to blah blah blah blah blah... and we are pleased to inform you that you have been ACCEPTED TO ATTEND THE UPCOMING FALL SEMESTER HERE! OH MY GOD!" Niall and I started screaming and hugging as mom walked back in, read the letter, and quickly joined in the celebration. "Well to congratulate my little sister on being accepted into college, I'm taking you out to lunch. C'mon y/n!" We linked arms and skipped to his car like 5 year olds.


"Zayn!" nothing... "Zayn!" ughh. Every time I need him for something, he magically disappears. I give up, I'm calling him. Three rings and... "Ugh y/n what do you want? I was sleeping." Of course he was. "Well, Zayn, dear brother o' mine. I need your help with a paper for my Music Theory class that I forgot is due right after break and I was hoping you could help..." Fingers crossed that he'll agree. I hear some whispering on the other end that sounds like a girls voice, so he probably spent the night at Perries. "Yeah and Perrie's gonna come and help too, okay?" YES! "Yeah the more help I get the better... thank god I have the two of you." "We'll be over in ten." "Okay, awesome. My prefessor will cut me up and reattach me loosely with string in the front of the class as an example if this paper isn't up to par." He's laughing, but I mean of course he is. I'm hilarious! "Haha alright see ya in a bit." "Thank you so much your the best older brother ever. My favorite older brother..." "You're only older brother.." "Exactly, no one to compete with you, not that anyone could which is why you the best." "Whatever bye." "Bye!" If I don't get a good grade now I swear on all that is good, I'm going to cry. But that's what big brothers are for, right? To help you write your college papers and just help in general. If not, I'm not telling Zayn that.


Sorry that Zayn's kinda sucked but I tried and OH MY GOSH 21 K READS thank you so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!! ILYSM also i'm making a youtube video soon and if you have anything you'd wanna see me do let me know in the comment or through dms! again ily guys so much ttyl

xoxo ella

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