He discovers your secret talent

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He discovers your secret talent (I wrote this one btw) :


You were home alone and you decided to clean and listen to music while Harry was at the studio. Your favorite song came on (for this lets say its chasing pavements by adele) and you just started singing along eventually belting with you best voice, therefore unable to hear Harry and the other boys walk through the door. When the song ended you hear Louis say, louder than he probably intended, "Damn Styles, your girl's got some pipes!" followed by the mumbles of the others in agreement. That's when you decided to walk out of the kitchen that you had just finished cleaning and said "Oh, hey guys! how much of that did you hear?" sounding ashamed like your voice made their ears bleed or something. Liam quickly replied "Long enough to know you have a kick ass voice, like damn girl!" "Babe why didn't you tell me you could sing?" Harry questioned you. "I don't know I just didn't think I'm that good..." you answered quietly. "Well don't think that, you sounded amazing!" From then on you and harry were always singing together and harmonizing. when the fans caught wind that you could sing they were always asking for covers done by you and Harry, which you both gladly did and posted them on your youtube channel.


You and Liam had the day off and you two watched movies until the boys came over for a quick practice. When the boys went into the room where Liam kept his piano you followed yo listen, which is what you normally do when they practice. While Liam was playing the piano you heard a lot of dissonance in the chords and that threw off the boys when they all finally stopped. You stood up and Louis, Niall, Harry, and Zayn watched to see what you were going to do. You walked over the piano and motioned for Liam to move and he did so curious as to what you were going to do. You sat down and started playing all of the chords and harmonies perfectly with ease. After the boys realized that you were playing their song they started to sing and they sounded like angels. When the song was over you stood up, walked over to Liam, kissed his cheek and whispered "It's actually quite sad that you girlfriend knows your song better than you do." And you said it just loud enough for the other boys to hear. Once they had gotten over the shock of what just happened they all burst into hysterics. You continued to walk out of the room and you heard Liam following you so you slowed down your pace. When he reached you he gently yet forcefully pushed you against the wall and passionately kissed you. When he pulled away he said "That was really hot." Leaving you stunned and blushing he walked back into the music room. Guess you both were surprised that day.


You were at you job as an all star cheer coach, Louis had never seen you coach before so he decided to tag along. Your girls and guys were practicing tumbling for their new routine when you noticed some of the girls were slipping up while the guys were totally on point. You approached the girls and said "why do you keep hesitating to do the double back-handspring back tuck?" and one of the girls replied "because we haven't seen it done so..." You walked away to an area where there were no cheerleaders. "Watch and then try to follow my example!" you shouted to your team. Towards Louis' direction you performed the stunt perfectly, then all of you girls tried to follow and most did a lot better. At the end of practice you walked up to Louis and asked "It was boring wasn't it?" "No! That was awesome, I had no clue you could do stuff like that!" He quickly stated as you both walked out of the gym. "Well, I guess you learned something today." you said as you kissed his cheek and jumped into the car.


Niall, the boys, their girlfriends, and you were all hanging out at a park. There was, thankfully, no one around, and all of the boys were playing football (soccer) while you and the girls were sitting and talking when the boys all came up to you, Eleanor, and Perrie, begging for you to play with them. When you all agreed you gave a look to the other two girls, letting them know you would try to do bad on purpose. It was working, for the first ten minutes the boys thought you were horrible, until Harry kicked the ball a little high so you used your knee to lift the ball then kicked it to Louis. The boys brushed it off as a lucky hit. When you, Eleanor, and Perrie sat back down they said "that was so cool, nice job!" and it wasn't mentioned again until you and Niall were alone in the car. "That was really hot babe, what you did when we were kicking the ball around. I didn't know you could play." he said out of the blue. "Thanks." you acknowledge the compliment, which wasn't rare but it was different than what Niall usually complemented you on.


Zayn had always been the type of boyfriend that thought that he knew everything about you. From the way you laugh to your pet peeves, but you had something up your sleeve. What Zayn never knew was that when you were younger you were in gymnastics and dance, you lost most of what you had learned from those classes except you were able to retain your flexibility. One day you and Zayn were just hanging out in your shared apartment when you felt the need to stretch your

back. You had been sitting in the same spot on the couch since you and Zayn were playing COD Black Ops. So you stood up and told Zayn you were just going to stretch your back for a sec. You then walked over to the nearest

wall and went so far into a back bend that your forearms were on the floor and your head was almost in between your legs. Zayn walked over and you saw his jaw unhinge so far you thought it was going to fall off. You got up and walked back over to Zayn sarcastically saying "get your jaw off the floor, you'll catch a fly like that." When Zayn rejoined you on the couch he asked "where did you learn to do that?" and you quickly responded "I used to do gymnastics and dance, I was able to retain my flexibility I guess." "Cool" was all Zayn said, which wasn't surprising since he is a man of few words, and thats all that was said as you guys went back to playing.

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