Niall imagine for caitlin

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Niall Imagine for Caitlin:

I was walking home from school like any normal day with my two friends Gary and Ciera, between the three of us, I'm the only directioner (sad right). Anyways, I parted ways with my friends when a big camper looking type bus pulled up next to me. I heard a man with an accent that I couldn't identify yell "Aye, Ni! Go ask for directions!" Then I saw him. He looked exactly like all of the picture of him I have saved in my computer, in a file separate so me and my best friend can fangirl together whenever she comes over. It was Niall fucking Horan. He looked both ways and jogged to my side of the street.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could help me and my friends, you see we're lost and not from anywhere near here. Do you think you could help us get to where we're going?" Niall asked, and I almost fainted.

I immediately responded "Sure," and with that he grabbed my hand and jogged across the street as I tried to catch my footing and keep up with him. When we reached the doors to the bus he pulled me in and he stopped me at the driver/security, Paul (c'mon everyone knows Paul). "Where do you need help going?" I questioned.

"Just to the highway towards Philly, Syco had the boys fly into Newark instead of Philadelphia and we got lost trying to manage our way there." I reached into my back pocket, grabbed my cell, and called Lizzy, my best friend, she knows the highways in Jersey and PA like the back of her hand and the back sides of the boys. Three rings and she answered, "KITTY WHATS UP MY MAIN BITCH!" she always answered the phone like this. "Not much, just need some help getting some friends of mine to Philly, their lost." I explained. "Oh, hand me to the driver." So I did, then I saw Paul cringe a little and a faint squeal come from the receiver, Lizzy's really excitable. I sat down in one of the seats and Niall joined me asking me basic questions.

After Lizzy explained Paul how to get to Philly, Paul thanked her and started driving, forgetting I was still in the bus. I didn't even notice we were moving until I saw that we were on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I was too distracted by the ice blue eyes that peered into my soul. "Oh my god. I'm sorry you have to turn around." I ran to Paul with Niall behind me. "Oh shit!" Paul and Niall said in unison. "Just sit down and I'll get you home." Paul promised. "Thank you" I said as I retook my seat. Niall sat next to me again and the boys were in the bunks playing music, to busy to notice the detour. Niall and I kept talking until we were back near my house.

"It was nice meeting you. I was wondering if I could have your number." Niall asked, phone in his hand, ready to hand over to me. I stood there shell shocked. I felt like the world stopped turning and I had lost the ability to breathe.

"Sure." I responded as I quickly took his phone and typed in my number. "It was nice meeting you guys!" I shouted as I exited the bus. "Do you remember the way still?" I asked Paul.

"Yes, thank you." he calmly responded. As soon as I got into my house I plopped onto the couch and felt

my phone vibrate. A text from and unknown number. It read "Hey beautiful, I was wondering if you could come to the philly concert tomorrow and I could take you on a date." I read and quickly responded "Sure, but would it be ok if I brought my best friend with me?" As soon as it sent, he read it and replied "Of course, she can hang out with the boys while we're out"

So Lizzie and I went to the concert. Afterwards Niall and I went to an amazing restaurant and went on a fantastic date. Lizzie hung out with the rest of the boys and, as in her nature, became quick friends with all of them, and grabbed the fascination of Harry, who, not long after, asked her out on a romantic date.

And that was the start of two beautiful relationships.

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