Chapter 36

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*August 22nd* 

Betty's POV

"Finally," I sigh as mom parks the car in front of our home.

They chuckle at me. We get out of the car. Jug takes one of the twins and mom takes the other one. I'm not so sure about which is which right now if I can't look at them. The thing that amazes me the most is that they both have freckles. Neither of us have them.

We go inside. Jelly hugs me immediatly, making me laugh, "Hi," I say and hug her back.

I take my baby from my mom and me and Jug take them upstairs into their room (the nursery).

"So who do I have?" I ask and take her out of the car seat thingy.

"Stella," I say to myself, making Jug laugh.

"Where do we put them?" he asks.

"In the crib?" I ask, as if it's not locigal..

He rolls his eyes, "Which one gets which crib?" he asks.

"Oh, um, I don't know," I say as he picks Luna up.

He chuckles at me as I'm kissing Stella on her head just repeatedly, my lips against her hair. He comes to me and I kiss Luna exactly the same way.

Jug just grins and kisses my cheek, "Let's just put them down and get something to eat," he says.

"Now you sound good," I say and kiss his lips.

I put Stella into one crib, with the teddy bear who is wearing a light yellow jacket and Jug does the same with Luna.

I turn the baby monitor on and then look at them in awe. They're adorable. And they are our babies. Actually OUR babies. Wow.

Jug wraps his arms around me from the back and kisses my temple.

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you?" I ask Jug and look at him.

He smiles, "You are," he says. I chuckle and so does he.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," he says.

We kiss for a while and then look at our babies once more. He takes my hand and we both go downstairs.

"Asleep?" dad asks, coming out of the kitchen. I guess he just got home.

"Yeah, but we have to wake them up in an hour," I say.

He chuckles and kisses my head, "Eat," he tells me, saying how not me I am.

I smile big and me and Jug both go into the kitchen.

"Pizzaaa," Jug says with one of his weird voices.

I laugh at him and we both take two slices and some juice and ice cream.

"I need to stop eating this crap," I smirk.

He kisses my hair, "You're fine," he says. I roll my eyes at him.

*30th August

"Hey," everyone says happily as I enter the bar.

I chuckle, "Hey," I say back with the same tone.

"What are you doing here?" Cher asks, hugging me.

"Picking up my order," I say and we both walk to the bar counter.

"5 minutes," dad tells me. I nod and he keeps making the chocolate croisssants.

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