Chapter 30

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*8 weeks pregnant. 14th February 2016*

Betty's POV 

I go downstairs, feeling like I wanna puke.

"Morning," everyone chuckles at my face. I've been having HUGE mood swings for 2 weeks now.

I throw my bag on the ground and they try to hold their laugh back, "What's up?" mom asks.

"Why am I showing already?" I ask madly.

"What? You're 8 weeks, there's no way," mom says.

I turn my side to her and pull my shirt and sweater up, also my serpent jacket. They look shocked. I let it fall down again.

"You were saying?" I ask and sit down.

"Wow, um.. When's the next appointment?" she asks as Jug takes my hand to calm me down.

I take a deep breath and then sigh, "I went yesterday so in 4 weeks," I say.

Mom nods, "They're gonna do an ultrasound then," she says, making me smile.

"Hey," Jug says and squeezes my hand a little making me look at him, "Eat something," he says.

I smirk, "Don't have to tel me that," I say, making him smile.

I get up again and take a vanilla ice cream and some caramel sauce. They laugh at me.

"Seriously? I want that too," Jelly says.

"One good thing about being pregnant.. No one tells you you can't eat too much," I smile at her and poor the sauce on the ice cream.

She looks at it longingly as I start eating it. I look at her soon and sigh. I push it in front of her. She smiles so big and takes my spoon and takes a big bite.

"Wow," I chuckle and take the tub back.

I look at dad and mom and Jug who are drinking coffee, "Just saying.. That thing," I say and point on Jug's cup, "Smells horrible," I say with a little smile.

They laugh, "Yeah well last week you said it smells amazing," dad says.

"Not anymore," I smirk.

Jug kisses my cheek, "You did the secret santa thingy?" he asks.

I nod. "What?" Jelly laughs.

"It's for valentine's day," I say and they all seem suprise.

"Who did you pick?" mom asks.

"Well.. We did it with the whole school so I got a Senior who's a Ghoulie," I say.

"And you?" mom asks Jug.

He smirks, "Archie," he says and then looks at me, "You did more?" he asks.

I smirk, "Are you waiting for a present?" I ask.

"Maybe," he says.

"Well maybe you'll get one," I smirk.

"Eww," Jelly conplains, making us laugh.

"I agree. Eww," mom says and I roll my eyes.

I go back to eating, "I did more presents. Everyone who's important to me and goes to our school will get one," I say.

He chuckles, "Yep. Same," he says and winks, making me blush while smirking.

*3rd period. English

"No," I giggle at V.

She does the same and rests her head onto my shoulder, "Do you think Jug did you some huge present?" she whispers.

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