Chapter 16

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Betty's POV 

"No, I'm not gonna eat this," Jug whines, looking at dad.

Dad sighs and looks at me, "Me neither, it tastes gross and makes me throw up," I pout.

He smirks at us, "You two are like babies. Eat it or I'll get it into you with a tube," he smirks.

I cross my arms on my chest and keep pouting. "Betty," dad starts.

"Try it yourself," Jug says to dad.

"I did," he says, "It's not that bad," he says and then looks at me, "Betty just try it," he says.

I shake my head, pressing my lips together. He sighs and kisses my forehead.

"I'll get you guys a pizza," he says.

"Okay," Jug smiles.

"I'm not gonna eat it anyways, but it's better than that," I say and point on the plate.

They both sigh, "You need to eat something," Jug says.

"I can't, my throat is fucked up," I say and gulp.

*30 minutes later

"Betty, please eat," dad sighs as I'm just snuggled into Jug's arm while he is eating his 5th slice of pizza.

"Dad, I'm not hungry," I sau for the hundred time.

"I don't care, you haven't eaten anything since yesterday 3PM," he says.

"I don't want to," I whine.

He wants to give me a slice but I won't take it so he just puts it in front of my mouth. I sigh and take a small bite. They both smile a little as I start chewing it slowly.

Then I take another bite and feel a blump in my throat. My eyes widen as I try to get some air, but can't. My hand flies on my throat and I start choking, cause I pull the food in while trying to breathe.

They start panicking and shouting for doctors and they try to get me to get he food out. I pass out.


I wake up to someone talking quietly. I also feel Jug twirrling a strand of my hair between his index finger and thumb.

I open my eyes a little and hear everyone shutting up immediatly. I look around the room, breathing normal now, and see that all our friends are here plus dad and Slurpe.

Dad looks at Jug with a warning face and then at me, concerned. I look at Jug now. He sighs and kisses my forehead.

"What's-" I stop, feeling only air coming out and something in my throat.

My hand flies onto my chest and I feel a tube going into my body. I pull down the hospital gown a little and my eyes widen.

Jug grabs my hands, cause I wanna pull it out, and I start wiggling while crying, wanting for him to let go of me.

He instead pulls me against him, "You're okay, calm down," he says.

I wanna say something, but start choking. Dad turns something on on some machine and I feel that I start basically taking deep breaths but because of the machine, which makes me cry even more and want to get out of here.

"Betty calm down," dad says.

I start throwing my head from side to side, knowing that I can't escape this place.

"Jug, I'm sorry," Cheryl says and pus something else on, cause dad looks at her. I start getting sleepy and calm down a little, which makes me cry.

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