Chapter 20

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A/N! So I was flying with an airplane while writing this and the previous chapter, so that's why I'm publishing two at the same time 😊

*Thanksgiving (2015 still)*

Betty's POV

"Hey," I hear Jelly saying.

I sniffle and wipe my tears away. I smile to her, "Hey," I say.

She throws her school bag into the corner and comes and sits next to me on the couch. She snuggles into my side, making me smile. I put my arm around her.

"Why are you crying?" she asks, looking up at me with these beautiful big blue eyes.

I smile sadly, "No reason," I say andrest my head on hers.

"Yeah right," she says.

I sigh, "I'm just sad," I say.

"Why?" she asks, "It's Thanksgiving tomorrow," she says.

I smile a little, "Yeah. I miss my family," I say quietly and tears start spilling again.

She looks up at me sadly, "I'm sorry," dhe says quietly.

I smile, "It's okay. I should be happy. I've never had a normal thanksgiving. Well since I was 3," I say.

She sighs, "I had them until I was 6," she says.

I smile sadly, "Have you talked to your mom?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "I don't want to. The last time she was here she yelled at everyone, even you. She doesn't even know you," she says sadly.

"But she was a great mom, right? When you two were together?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders, "Not really. I didn't get any attention from her so I tried hard but then she just yelled at me for getting detention all the time, so I stopped," she says.

I kiss her hair, "Well at leats you're here now," I say, "Getting attention," I smirk.

She chuckles quietly and snuggles her head more into my side, "Can I ask you something?" she asks.

"Anything," I say.

"Do you remember her? Your mom?" she asks.

I sigh, "Kinda. I mean I have pictures of her now and dad has told me so many stories about her, but... It's not the same y'know. I wonder what would've she been like with me... Chic's lucky, he remembers everything. He was 14," I finish quietly.

She wraps her arms around me and hugs me. I hug her back.

"I'm sorry about your family," she says

I sniffle, "It's okay, I'm used to it. I just miss them.. Well not my dad actually, but my mom and my brother," I say.

She sighs again ans kisses my cheek. I smile at that, "You're adorable," I say and let her snuggle even further into me.

"I know," she says, making me chuckle.

*The next evening, Thanksgiving*

"Everything okay?" Jug asks as he sits down next to me.

I open my eyes and look at him, "Yeah, just waiting for Chic to call," I say.

He sighs and lets me snuggle into his side. He kisses my head and wraps his arms around me.

"You know, what I'm grateful for?" he asks, making me smile.

"What?" I ask with the same smile still on my lips.

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