Chapter 16

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Roc's p.o.v.

As I laid there, hand cuffed to the bed while Star laid next to me sound asleep, the devil in me wanted to punch the shit out of her. She better be glad that she has me restrained. It's been at least 2 weeks since this bitch kidnapped me. Let me start from the beginning.

-flash back-

Star reached into her bag & pulled out an ak-47 & started shooting. As the room got cloudy, I felt myself being grabbed, my mouth being covered, then I got hit in the back of my head with something hard that ended up knocking me out. I woke up in a very nice house, handcuffed to the same bed I'm on now & have been that way ever since. She let's me get up to eat & shower but other than that, I'm handcuffed to this bed. I've been plotting an escape but its hard to do so when every move that I make is being monitored either by a camera or by her families body guards & its about 6 of those big muthafuckas which she keeps two at the door frame of every room that I'm inside. I'm beyond miserable & I just want to go home and that's exactly what I'm going to do in due time.

Ci's p.o.v.

Since the day Roc went missing, I haven't stopped searching for him. The police have been searching as well & every house or relative linked to Star doesn't seem to answer any questions. In my mind, I was starting to think that he was dead. Either that or he was apart of all of this. Noo he couldn't be.. or could he? I wanted to slap myself for thinking that. Roc would never do this to his family. It's hard taking care of four children who are in complete turmoil due to the absence of their father & I don't think Roc did this intentionally. All I knew is, I'm never giving up looking for him.

six months later

Roc's p.o.v.

I've tried to escape six times in the first 3 months but every time I'm free, one of the body guards ends up catching me & beats the living shit out of me. Star stopped letting me get out of the handcuffs to eat & take a bath for about two weeks but once I'd completely given up any hope of ever escaping, she let me free. As long as I didn't step foot outside, I was ok. Little did this bitch know that I'd been coming up with a plan this entire time. I studied everyone's sleep pattern for the last 3 months to figure out exactly what time I could try to escape. Star usually went to sleep around 10 & the bodyguards around 12 so I decided to wait until 4 to escape that way I know they'll be in a deep sleep. Everyday for a week, I fidgeted with the latch on one of the windows in the living room so all I'd have to do is push it & keep running. Thank you God for ceiling to floor windows that push out instead of pull up!!


I told Star I wanted to sleep on the floor because my back was hurting & her dumb ass fell for it. I laid there, fighting my sleep & at one point, the sleep was about to win but when I looked at the clock & it read 3:54, my heart immediately started pounding. My eyes never left the clock until it reached 4:00. I slowly slid on the floor & out of the bedroom door. I heard Star turn over in the bed so I immediately froze. I snuck a peek up at her & she'd turned her back towards the door. I sighed with relief and began to stand up. I made my way down the stairs as swiftly as possible. Once I got down the stairs, I bussed a sharp left and took off full speed towards the window. I held my hands out and pushed on the window which opened with absolutely no problem. I jumped out if the window & ran like my life depended on it. (Because it truly did.) The neighborhood that I was in was so unfamiliar but I kept running, not caring where it led me to. I could hear gun shots being fired & Star yelling for me & telling me that I was dead meat. I looked back & saw her body guards out of breath & hunched over trying to catch their breath so I took the opportunity to yell "fuck you!" as I flicked them off.


I ran for ten minutes straight going through the rest of the neighborhood & passing through 4 or 5 other neighborhoods. I decided that I needed to stop & hide before they tried to come find me. I walked up to a really nice house & rung the doorbell. The door swung open & the person who was standing there had pure attitude & sleep on their face then I realized who it was.


"Roc? What happened to you?"

"I'll explain just please let me come inside."

She shook her head & stepped to the side so I could walk inside. She closed the door & led me into her kitchen. I sat down across from her at her kitchen table just staring before she knocked me out of my trance.

"Roc ! What is going on?"

Deep sigh

"Ok. When Ci & I were at the hospital with her friend Edrina who was having a baby."

"Wait I know Edrina. That's zonnique's cousin."

"Exactly. Star came up there & shot up the waiting room & then kidnapped me."

"Wait whoa. You're a grown ass man Roc. How did you get kidnapped though?"

"That's beside the point right now ! I've been kidnapped for 6 months & I ran all the way here ! I need to use the phone to call the police asap before she finds me!"

Bahja frantically searched for her phone then dialed 911. The dispatcher immediately sent squad cars to her house & they told me they needed Star's address. They took me to a seperate police station since star & her body guards would more than likely go haywire in the same facility as me. I explained everything that happened & they assured me that my life could go back to normal. I had no idea that I was all the way back in Atlanta but the police station was kind enough to fly back to San Diego. I couldn't wait to see my family & get back to my normal life.

Ci's p.o.v.

I sat at the memorial that the MB fans set up in front of Roc's pet hospital & looked at all of the old pictures that after 4 years of no MB, the fans still held on to. I smiled at the posters of him with his ponytail all the way until he got his hair cut. It amazed me how fast time went by & how much he'd grown. I started to cry because I missed him so much. My life sucked, my kids weren't happy. Everything was just a wreck.

"Girl if you don't stop that crying & come give your man a hug."

I froze with fear because the voice I heard sounded too much like Roc's but then I remembered what my mom said about spirits. If you didn't do anything bad to them, there's no reason to be scared so I decided to torn around. What I saw brought me to my knees & I buried my face in my hands.

"No no no this isn't real! God why must you torture me??"

I felt arms wrap around me & I tensed up & I heard words being whispered in my ear.

"Baby its me. Santo. I'm back baby. I'm back for good."

My whole body went limp as I through my hands around his neck & cried harder than I've ever cried. For 6 months, I thought he was dead & to know that he wasn't was the best feeling I'd felt in a long time.

A Date With Death: The Ultimate Betrayal {Bestfriend pt.3} Roc Royal *CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now