Chapter 5

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Ci’s p.o.v.

My life has been so hectic for the past couple of weeks that I had to be rushed to the hospital two days ago. From looking for houses and trying my hardest to keep my children safe, my health took a turn for the worst. My iron was low, my blood sugar was low, I’d lost ten pounds, & I was dehydrated. They released me this morning and I was just lying in bed flipping through the channels. I felt a lot better & had a lot of things to catch up on, but no energy to do it. That was, until Roc brought me breakfast in bed. My eyes gawked at of the food that sat on the tray. It was filled with French toast, grits with bacon and cheese in them, pancakes, sausage patties, cantaloupe, and fresh pineapple, all the foods I loved to eat for breakfast. I knew that Roc couldn’t have completed the task of cooking all of this food by himself so I decided to ask before I took a bite.

“I know for a fact you didn’t do this alone. ”

I said as a ripped off a piece of French toast and drenched it in the warm syrup sitting inside of one of the cup holders on the tray.

“for your information the only help I got was from…[stops and scratches the back of his neck] IHOP to go orders.”

I busted out laughing and so did he. He brought in his own tray and we ate in silence as we watched the fuckery that was displayed on our 62 inch flat screen television mounted on our wall that had “Maury” playing on it. I never really understood the show but I watched it every day just to get a laugh and thanked God that my mom raised me better than that to a certain extent. Once we got done eating, Santo informed me that today would be a busy day now that I was feeling better. Even though I still couldn’t go to work, the doctor wanted me to be up and on my feet and Roc had me doing just that.

Roc’s p.o.v.

Since Ci and I haven’t really got to spend some decent time together, I decided to do something for her. I know she probably thought I’d forgotten about our two year anniversary that was coming up but by the end of the day, that would be a figment of her imagination. When we got done eating, I told her to get dressed. She of course asked what to wear and I told her to just go in the bathroom and her outfit would be waiting for her. She looked at me like I was crazy before proceeding into the bathroom. I headed to our second bathroom to get dressed and sat in our bedroom for like 45 minutes waiting for her slow ass to get finished getting ready. When she walked out of the bedroom, she stopped in her tracks when she got a glimpse of my outfit. Id picked us out matching outfits. She had on a grey, black, and red fitted converse t-shirt, black fitted cargos, and grey, black and white chuck taylor’s and I had on the same except with my skinny jeans on. As we approached the front door, she started to panic. I already knew what she was panicking about to I let her know that I sent the kids to school already and that if it were up to her to get the kids ready this morning they would’ve been late anyways considering the fact that it was already pushing noon before she realized it.

The first stop of the day was Ocean World. She was acting like a kid in a candy store and I was happy because if you saw her sick and unable to do anything like I have, you’d be happy for her too. We went to the mall and I let her buy what she wanted, then she wanted to pick the kids up from school and take them to the park. They were all excited to see her because while she was sick, she wasn’t able to do much with them. Once 7 o’clock hit, I took the kids over to Drea and Diggy’s house so mommy and daddy could have grown up time.. if you know what I mean.

Ci’s p.o.v.

After everything Santo and I did all day, I surprisingly wasn’t even tired and that was what was best because he said the night wasn’t over. After we dropped the kids over at drea’s, he took me home so I could get dressed. When we walked in the house, everything was dark as hell. I tried to grabbed Roc’s hand but after I felt his hands slip from off of my waist, I didn’t feel him in my presence anymore so I started cussing him out.

A Date With Death: The Ultimate Betrayal {Bestfriend pt.3} Roc Royal *CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now